UnLoser wrote:
CanisMajor wrote:
When I was in school, kids in my class (who always took turns picking on me) once got me so angry that I told them all to "drop dead".... I got two weeks of suspension for it.
That's really strange and wrong. Did they not know that you were being picked on by other kids? Did they not care? Because it sounds to me like they were singling you out, sad as it may be.
The thing is, getting picked on was such a regular thing for me, I don't think anyone with the power to stop it seemed to care anymore. I always reacted angrily, which fueled the kids' fires to keep it up, which made me react worse and worse, leading to... me getting in trouble all the time. I was treated as the trouble-maker, even when I didn't understand what I did wrong. (My school was like a super over-the-top dictatorship, and this particular time-frame was post-Columbine. They cared less about solving inter-student problems and more about controlling someone those they thought might become violent, without caring what the true story might've been.) Hell, I once made a list of all the kids that I didn't like. Then a teacher found it, took it from me, called the principal, and I was suspended for "making a hit list"... I was 11! I didn't even KNOW what a "hit list" was!