My main interest is something between music, literature and film. It's... art, I guess. To sum it up.
I mostly like how these things interact.
I guess my main interest would be music. It's been ever since it caught my interest twelve years go. I spent half of my life without music, but with books. Most people have liked music as kids. So did I, but I did not... go out and look for it. It's just been around. Just... music designed for kids.
I guess it's a shift of focus. Now I am mostly interested in music.
I wouldn't say it's too broad, it's mainly rock and pop. I don't do metal or R'n'B or hip hop.
Rock is a vague enough genre for me.
I am not interested in many things at a time, but I often change musical interests. Only few bands or artists stick with me for a long time.
"It's how they see things. It's a way of bringing class to an environment, and I say that pejoratively because, obviously, good music is good music however it's created, however it's motivated." - Thomas Newman