How old do you feel relative to your actual age?

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01 May 2012, 1:26 pm

I feel 18. When I'm 90, I will feel 90. When I was 12, I felt 12. I've got nothing to compare it to, so of course I feel my age...

As to whether I feel any different at these ages is another matter. I'm trying, and somewhat succeeding, in going for that Artemis Fowl blend of a childlike belief in Faeries coupled with an adultlike desire to exploit them :lol: Well, not *that... more recognising the magic of the world whilst having the required skills to actually wield it.


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01 May 2012, 2:57 pm

Magneto wrote:
I feel 18. When I'm 90, I will feel 90. When I was 12, I felt 12. I've got nothing to compare it to, so of course I feel my age...

As to whether I feel any different at these ages is another matter. I'm trying, and somewhat succeeding, in going for that Artemis Fowl blend of a childlike belief in Faeries coupled with an adultlike desire to exploit them :lol: Well, not *that... more recognising the magic of the world whilst having the required skills to actually wield it.

That's a good way of putting it. I can relate to that. It's like having the childlike wonder forever, but growing up to have the ability to really understand whatever it is you're looking at. Meanwhile, no one else saw it in the first place.

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01 May 2012, 4:05 pm

FMX wrote:
I don't think I can give a single answer. As a child and teenager I often felt older than my age. Now I still sometimes do, but at other times I feel younger as well. It depends on the situation and the people I'm around.

Yes, when I was a child, I was constantly referred to as an 'old soul' and very mature for my age.

As an adult, however, I definitely feel much, much younger. I think that, growing up, my emotional development was basically on par with my peers, or at the very least, disguised by my more advanced intellectual development, which is why I seemed older than I was. At some point, though, my emotional development hit some glass ceiling, and while I'm still considerably more intelligent than many of the people around me (I don't say this to brag...but the people around me always call out my intelligence, as if it's a negative trait), it's clear that I'm not on par emotionally with my peers. For one, I always say things like "when I'm an adult," completely forgetting that, at age 26, I AM an adult. My two closest friends are just turned 21 and 22, but I always forget that they are younger, because when we hang out, I still feel like the youngest in the bunch. Teenagers intimidate me, and I constantly wonder what they must be thinking of I guess I must still be a teenager emotionally. As a filmmaker, I've written a few screenplays with teen girls as the main character, and I still imagine myself in the roles.

I honestly get deeply depressed any time I remember that I'm 26, and not a teenager. I suddenly feel like my whole life is being wasted. It's a terrible feeling.

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01 May 2012, 4:26 pm

I'm 49 - feel like late 20's early 30's

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01 May 2012, 4:54 pm

VisInsita wrote:
I’ve never felt time or age.

Me neither; age is such a rough measure to describe the psychological state of a human being.


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01 May 2012, 5:00 pm some regards, I feel more mature than my peers. Like, I think it's foolish how my peers will go out and get drunk. On the other hand, I feel like I never lost the sense of childlike wonder, and I also tend to come emotionally unglued at times and act more like a child than an adult.

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01 May 2012, 5:39 pm

Physically I feel my age or older (41) but otherwise I would say I feel like a teen.. even a toddler sometimes.. I could really go for just playing in the sandbox and forgetting about life. So their are a few benefits to having kids.. I did build a huge sandbox for them so I join them sometimes. thought it does not seem to work as well in real life as in theory...

It would be kids if you asked which age group I am most comfortable around. probably cuz they don't judge like adults do


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22 Jul 2012, 9:17 am

I'm 22 and I feel about 50+. I'm older and wiser than most people around me, mentally. Many times when I try to "connect" I feel younger but that's only because I put myself in that position. I pretend to be someone I'm not and act immature when I'm actually super mature for my age and always have been. It's hard to connect with people in college because they're like children to me. Adults reject me as one of them soooooo I'm pretty much on my own. Suuuuuuuucks. When I was in high school I felt like a little kid. I would splash in puddles on my way to school and sing songs in the rain. In many ways I still have that childhood wonder and idealism. Intellectually, however, I beat everyone around me. I feel like "growing up" is not really growing up but accepting the BS that we call "life". Buying a house, car, having kids whatever. I could do all of that crap if I wanted to, but I just don't see the point in doing it. My friends lambaste me for not taking anything seriously. To me, being an adult is not about being "serious". What does that mean anyways???


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22 Jul 2012, 10:02 am

It's like I don't age.

When I was a kid I seemed WAY older than the other kids because of the way I talked (clear, concise, large words) lack of interest in social interaction and my breadth of knowledge on CERTAIN topics. The kids used to call me the "30 year old".

However, as I got older, I felt that I stayed the same age. I don't know, I know my height doesn't help (4'10", stopped growing at age 10) and I'm the size of a child BUT I feel like as I grew up I didn't mature emotionally or something. Plus I STILL don't understand a lot of social stuff so I feel like a little kid who doesn't "get it" when others are having a conversation. So, I don't know, I feel like I'm stuck at an age of somewhere in the range of 10-13 or something.


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22 Jul 2012, 11:19 am

While I've matured a lot during the decades of my life, I still feel I'm way behind my peers regarding emotional development. I also feel like I have this "childlike wonder" in myself. Though I know a lot more stuff now and I'm happy about it, I can play with little kids at ease and I quite enjoy it, seriously. Like playing with water pistols, board-games, lego, model trains, etc. etc. :)

I would be happy if I had kids, and perhaps one of the reasons why would be that then I could play with them to my pleasure, plus I could somehow relive my childhood and correct some of the mistakes I and my parents have done.

So, I guess I certainly feel a few years younger all-in-all, somewhere around 30. But, as someone has pointed it out previously in a similar thread, one can feel at multiple ages depending on the situation and context, say, 6, 12, 18, 25, and 39. I certainly feel like that inside. It's interesting though that I tend to have friends and acquaintances older than myself, as I can relate to them better, yet wouldn't put an older age on the list than my actual.

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22 Jul 2012, 11:43 am

I feel like a combination of being both older and younger than my actual age. I'm 22 and when it comes to some things like sex, handeling money, driving a vehicle, or setting up my own doctor's appointments I still feel like I'm 13 and have no grasp on these things. I have to get my Mom to help me with most of this. However there's certain things about myself that makes me feel a lot more mature than most of the people my age. I know how to cook and take care of the house, and when my parents are away I do a pretty good job of taking on the responsability of looking after my younger sibilings. I'm also very polite to everyone and I think about the world a lot more than most people around my age who only think about themselves. So when it comes to that I feel like I'm in my 30's or 40's.

I've kind of figured that that's typical with most aspies, because just about every aspie I've met has a combination of maturity and immaturity that doesn't make them act their age.


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22 Jul 2012, 1:29 pm

I am 22 and feel like I am 22, I don't compare myself to how neurotypical 22 year olds are because I am not one so it would not make sense to measure myself by that scale. I do not match up with a younger neurotypical age anyways.

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22 Jul 2012, 2:13 pm

I am currently 25 but turn 26 next month and would say i am quite mature but when it comes to the social side to things this is where i am behind and therefore act younger then my age.


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22 Jul 2012, 2:14 pm

I'm 27 and I feel like a 15 or 16 year old socially and my developmental age is about 11 or 12 years behind my chronological age.


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22 Jul 2012, 3:06 pm

21 and feel as jaded and "blah" as someone in their 40s. I feel...old, like an old man in a young person's body. In fact most people who see me don't think I'm 21. I've had someone guess I was in my 30s at age 20 before.

I tend to have older people for friends, too. I think partially out of a combination of older people being more tolerant for differences, and them seeing me and going "wow, he knows how to speak correctly and isn't an idiot like most people his age." Even in high school, though, as a freshman, I had like 1-2 freshman friends, but my main group of friends was like, juniors.

But I feel much too old compared to how I should feel...

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22 Jul 2012, 3:25 pm

I feel like an old soul. I'm 22, but I feel like I've been around before. I'm not sure if I believe in reincarnation... but it certainly feels like its happened.