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17 May 2012, 9:12 pm

Japanese beetles because they bump into things, and they're noisy
Burning to death
Body odor-enough to where I'll take at least 2 showers a day if I think I might be sweating. I don't really wear perfume much since I know too many people who are allergic to artificial scents.
Being declared mentally ill and institutionalized or given strong psychiatric meds.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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17 May 2012, 10:55 pm

my fears are:
falling/ being pushed off a high surface
having a ball thrown or kicked at me
breaking my nose
being alone in a new place
being yelled at by anyone
making a fool of my self in public
spiders on my ceiling when I sleep
someone breaking into my house
huge beetles

and a few others that I can't think of.

I am a 14 year old girl.
I have synesthesia.
aspie quiz results: 172/200
I am suspected to have aspergers, but I'm not diagnosed.


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18 May 2012, 9:32 am

Interesting thread. I don't really know what to think after reading all these. I can't help wondering how someone with so many fears gets through everyday life - sounds like they could be more of an impairment than ASD. Or are these just things you occasionally think of? Maybe I'm taking the word "fear" as something more severe than the OP intended.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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18 May 2012, 5:01 pm

Needles (Last time I got a shot I got so scared I puked then passed out)
Psyciatric medication or any other medicine that messes with my head
The dark (Mostly the inability to know if there is something with me in the dark that could harm me, if I was in a dark room that I knew for certain was safe, I would be perfectly fine)
Bellybuttons (I have no idea why...)
Not existing


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18 May 2012, 5:16 pm

Irrational Fears?

Social phobia mainly

Interacting with someone very assertive and not having the courage to stand up to them

New situations and being on my own (although I have traveled alone for a holiday/vacation and did rather well) but I grew up moving around and being new and it still causes increased stress

I really dislike singing alone in front of people and would also never want to do karoke alone in front of people, although I took part in a group karoke


Jumping out of an airplane to go skydiving

Scuba diving (but I really like snorkeling)

Driving a large vehicle scares me as it is something so new and I am afraid of running into other cars, people, animals, poles, etc,.

That is all I can think of for now 8)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 May 2012, 7:18 pm

Infinity. I have lesser ones, but ever since I was a little kid I have feared infinity. An odd phobia, I know.


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18 May 2012, 7:30 pm

I have the dying alone one, after watching all my family pass. It comes up every now & then.
Besides that one:

Choking on vomit if I fall asleep/pass out.
Being buried alive..
Catching cancer/leukemia: I have had a couple real life scares/close calls so maybe this one is not all that irrational.
Falling in deep pits
Being shot as an innocent bystander in a violent robbery: Also, I have been held up twice, so this one is understandable.
Being surrounded by a crowd. This one is the WORST because it happens & I stress & get sensory overload as well.
Being already dead & in Hell/Purgatory/Nether World but not knowing it. Result of watching TOO many Horror flicks as a teenager/young adult!


Blue Jay
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18 May 2012, 8:15 pm

Yeah living long enough to be all on my own, is
starting to be a real fear, maybe not irrational tho.
I have had a few people die I have liked.

The big irrational fear I have is, falling snow flakes,
I worry that they will never stop falling.
Snow falling almost seems sufficating.
Good thing I live where it does not snow much.


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18 May 2012, 9:04 pm

Heights, except when I'm on carnival rides
Moths and butterflies
Daddy Long Legs spiders (only those kind, the rest are fine)
Those big skinny flying bugs that eat mosquitoes
Riding in a car going over 45mph unless I'm driving then 70mph is ok
Riding or driving on the interstate
Things to do with eyes

Oddly enough I'm not afraid of things I should be afraid of like;

Walking through the hood at night, alone
Pit bulls or dobermans
Junkies who are desperate
Gang members
People getting mad at me
Expired medication
Spoiled food
Bacteria or viruses

So, I think I have things backwards somehow or other

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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18 May 2012, 10:38 pm

Getting yelled at
Being left alone and abandoned for a long time
Heart attacks
Burglars/home invasion
Violent criminals
Humiliation (big one for me there!)
Being judged (negatively)
Thinking people are plotting against me
German Shepherds/Pit Bulls/Dobermans/Rottweilers

You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.


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18 May 2012, 11:36 pm

eight legged arthropods with a chitin exoskeleton (arachnids- all of them, spiders, scorpions, ticks, etc), I will scream like I am being the victim of a bloody murder if I see one. Just writing this and thinking the words (which calls up the pictures makes me anxious)

the dark, mostly just a general uneasy feeling in complete dark,

being late - so I arrive no less than 15 min. early if at all possible

(note, grammar has been ignored in this post from lack of sleep, yeah for travel and forgetting your sleep meds).

edit: I have other general fears that may not be rational -crowds etc, but they have more to do with my general and social anxiety.

__ /(. . )


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21 May 2012, 2:08 am

Cargo Ships/other large ships, especially if there is rust on them
1960's hearse style ambulances
Old police car/ambulance sirens
Old medical equipment
Really old buildings
Driving in cities
Success/failure (because every time something goes right, something goes very, very wrong and I fail)


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21 May 2012, 3:33 am

My government keeps telling me that my fear of islam is irrational.

I don't believe them.

Snowy Owl
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22 May 2012, 6:46 pm

talking to girls
having conversations with strangers in person
eye contact
food mixed on the plate
old food
ghosts (ive seen some)
being late (i am always early)
being judged
worrying about what people think of me
my jerseys and hats getting dirty
being judged for things i cant control
people going into my business
people not leaving me alone


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22 May 2012, 7:01 pm

Interestingly, as a child I was terrified of ghosts ( my family actually bought the neighborhood haunted/cursed house. SERIOUSLY. That was a rough two years of my life, as if I did not have enough worries starting Middle School!) but now, I find them fascinating. Especially now that some scientific type study SEEMS possible. Something that can be measured on EM meters, in other words..
There are others from childhood that have become special interests, too.
I am afraid of wasps/hornets/yellowjackets as well. But I have reason. I am allergic & have had some moderately serious reactions to stings. Also, in my running days, one flew into my mouth. Yeah, that was fun.. Not irrational.
Less rational? Screaming infants/toddlers..



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22 May 2012, 8:09 pm

Matt62 wrote:
Interestingly, as a child I was terrified of ghosts ( my family actually bought the neighborhood haunted/cursed house. SERIOUSLY. That was a rough two years of my life, as if I did not have enough worries starting Middle School!) but now, I find them fascinating. Especially now that some scientific type study SEEMS possible. Something that can be measured on EM meters, in other words..
There are others from childhood that have become special interests, too.
I am afraid of wasps/hornets/yellowjackets as well. But I have reason. I am allergic & have had some moderately serious reactions to stings. Also, in my running days, one flew into my mouth. Yeah, that was fun.. Not irrational.
Less rational? Screaming infants/toddlers..


Heh... I actually have a reason for my fear of bees/wasps/hornets too. Long story short, we went on this girl scout trip, me and my mom, to this pioneer kind of village and there was a foundation where a wasp nest had been. One of the girls stepped on it and they came flying out. I got stung by about twelve of them and I had a reaction because I got dizzy and light-headed for a while and almost passed out... ever since then, I won't go near them and I freak out when they come close to me. But that's actually from bad experience so yeah, there is a good reason for that fear.

All of my others are either because of sensory issues with sound or things that can trigger anger and anxiety for me... and whatever.

Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive