Matt62 wrote:
Interestingly, as a child I was terrified of ghosts ( my family actually bought the neighborhood haunted/cursed house. SERIOUSLY. That was a rough two years of my life, as if I did not have enough worries starting Middle School!) but now, I find them fascinating. Especially now that some scientific type study SEEMS possible. Something that can be measured on EM meters, in other words..
There are others from childhood that have become special interests, too.
I am afraid of wasps/hornets/yellowjackets as well. But I have reason. I am allergic & have had some moderately serious reactions to stings. Also, in my running days, one flew into my mouth. Yeah, that was fun.. Not irrational.
Less rational? Screaming infants/toddlers..
Heh... I actually have a reason for my fear of bees/wasps/hornets too. Long story short, we went on this girl scout trip, me and my mom, to this pioneer kind of village and there was a foundation where a wasp nest had been. One of the girls stepped on it and they came flying out. I got stung by about twelve of them and I had a reaction because I got dizzy and light-headed for a while and almost passed out... ever since then, I won't go near them and I freak out when they come close to me. But that's actually from bad experience so yeah, there is a good reason for that fear.
All of my others are either because of sensory issues with sound or things that can trigger anger and anxiety for me... and whatever.
Diagnosed with an autistic disorder (Not AS but mild to moderate classic Autism), ADHD, Learning Disability, intellectual disability and severe anxiety (part of the autism); iPad user; written expressionist; emotionally-sensitive