Steven_Tyler77 wrote:
And you know that there are many NTs who have social anxiety too, right? Even caffeinated, I still have no clue about social cues and still take things literally. I still engage in stimming and my passive body language doesn't get better at all. I just don't care about it. And that's fine. When I don't care about it and I don't draw attention to it, people don't care about it either...
That's something I've never considered before. Why not just be yourself and not care what people think? Because which is more important?
On the other hand, I hate the disruptions that just being myself lead to on a day-to-day basis (especially at work).
What's stimming? And an even dumber question ... I've never heard anyone talk about passive body language. What does it look like to NT's? I've never talked with anyone about that either.