KillerWaffles wrote:
How can you like chewing, that noise drives me crazy. The weird thing though is that if I'm chewing it doesn't bother me, but if it's anyone else I get annoyed and cover my ears. I really like the sound of people drumming their fingers on tables and stormy weather.
Like I said, it depends on the person and the food. If for example someone I like is eating an apple in a civilised way, then I like the noise. If someone I can't stand is chewing gum with his mouth wide open then I want to punch him.
Yesterday when I was at work I discovered that I apparently like the sound of machines squeaking.
The machines in that room are very loud, but fortunately they create a lot of white noise, and yesterday that one machine made a short sqeaking noise every fews seconds or so and for some reason it sent chills down my spine (the good kind).