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20 Jul 2012, 10:16 pm

IndieSoul wrote:

Person: Hey, do you know what happened to my keys?
How this sounds in my mind: Hey, do you....dskljdfslksdjklldkl....
Me: Sorry, what?
Person: I asked if you knew wh-
Me: Oh, yeah they're right over there.

This doesn't happen every single time I talk to someone, and it's usually when I'm already becoming overwhelmed by other stimuli, such as in a classroom or crowded cafeteria. It happens often enough that other people have started to notice.

Anybody else do this?

happens to me all the time. and normally in a place with alot of background for me, too. I'm glad someone else has the same problem. I'm not completely insane, after all! :D

Also, sudden noises startle me sometimes. Normally when I'm spaced out, and someone says hi to me.


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20 Jul 2012, 10:30 pm

My sound sensitivities also manifest themselves in a strange way. When listening to someone talk, it's like I don't process what they're saying as quickly as it seems I should. When asked a question, I'll heard the words but my mind jumbles them up while trying to make sense of them. I often don't understand the question until after I've asked the person to repeat themselves and they're already speaking again:

Person: Hey, do you know what happened to my keys?
How this sounds in my mind: Hey, do you....dskljdfslksdjklldkl....
Me: Sorry, what?
Person: I asked if you knew wh-
Me: Oh, yeah they're right over there.

I experience this as well. I think just hearing a word or two at the beginning of the sentence allows my brain to connect the dots and make sense of the dskljdfslksdjklldkl before they have to finish the sentence.. I often get odd looks though when I do this


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21 Jul 2012, 2:28 am

Only things I can think of off the top of my head is a real sensitivity to the air. Even if it's a good air quality, I find myself feeling like I'm in a drowning feeling, just itching and suffocating if I don't have my fan on facing me.

An open window just won't do it.

I also have very good hearing, and hear tiny weeny noises that no one else can hear, but at the same time, it's very hard to understand what people are saying sometimes, it sounds like Simlish (Whether I'm talking to someone, or it's someone on the TV or radio)

I also do this -

IndieSoul wrote:

Person: Hey, do you know what happened to my keys?
How this sounds in my mind: Hey, do you....dskljdfslksdjklldkl....
Me: Sorry, what?
Person: I asked if you knew wh-
Me: Oh, yeah they're right over there.

This doesn't happen every single time I talk to someone, and it's usually when I'm already becoming overwhelmed by other stimuli, such as in a classroom or crowded cafeteria. It happens often enough that other people have started to notice.

Anybody else do this?

My skin is also very sensitive, and I can tell when my mum has used a new washing powder or tablet. It often feels like someone's brushed against my skin or a bug is crawling along it or something, and even if I'm brushing it away thinking there's a bug on me when there isn't, the feeling stays for ages!
It bugs the hell out of me when I have a stray hair and I can't get it and it's brushing all over my nose or something. Argh!
And, as others, I hate people touching me unless they've told me they're going in for a hug, or it's sexual (kissing etc with a partner)

I'm also very sensitive to the light, fluorescent lights just give me really bad migraines. I suffered at work for almost 3 years because they had these in the supermarket I worked in. I would go home feeling pretty ill.

As for taste, I don't think it's bothered me much, but I have to be awake about 1 hour at least before I brush my teeth, because otherwise I just heave and gag and it's not possible to do it.
I also really hate chewing gum. Urgh that disgusting thing in my mouth makes me want to throw up!
Salty food is a problem for me too. I don't mind a little salt, but salt from McDonald's chips and such and salty bacon really makes me cringe, dries my lips out and makes them swell.
I'm also very very sensitive to spicy food. I can't even have just a little bit of pepper because that makes my lips swell too, but generally even a little tiny bit of spice, well hidden in food that no-one else can taste, it's like my mouth is on fire and it's a horrible feeling.

Smell - Either I have a very very weak sense of smell that it mounts to nothing, or I have just no sense of smell. I've never smelt anything in my life.
I can only smell fumes, but that's because I can taste it in my throat like hairspray and stuff, and it makes me feel very giddy and sick.

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21 Jul 2012, 2:42 pm

Light: Lights bother me at night, especially when driving. Not so much during the day.

Touch: Don't like hugs, I am O.K. with handshakes though. I loathe clothing labels and pockets. when I was younger I would actually walk with my pockets out. I do not wear jeans. I am very particular about socks and underwear. I do not like to wear non collared shirts in the car because the seatbelt rubs on my neck.

Sound: this is my real issue. I hate sound. If I'm in the basement I can hear people talking normally on the top floor. I can hear my dad's car from 1/5 a mile away. I don't listen to radio I'm the car. I hate sound above all else.


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21 Jul 2012, 2:54 pm

Hmmm yes, clothes. If I could walk around naked all the time, I would. I hate wearing clothes ><


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21 Jul 2012, 6:17 pm

It is time for a list.

-Sometimes I hear a sound and interpret it as if someone is calling my name.
-Knife sharpening sound makes me mad.
-High pitched sounds are annoying.
-This: (thanks IndieSoul):

Person: Hey, do you know what happened to my keys?
How this sounds in my mind: Hey, do you....dskljdfslksdjklldkl....
Me: Sorry, what?
Person: I asked if you knew wh-
Me: Oh, yeah they're right over there.

-Perfumes. I HATE perfumes. I start coughing as soon as I get the smell.
-Some foods, especially some types of cheese... Unbearable.
-Most of the time, I try to avoid handshakes and hugs.
-Touching to a rusty metal is simply impossible.
-I constantly feel an ache at some random place of my body, the feeling changes location over time. It is really annoying, I wonder if anyone here has the same problem.

Aspie quiz: 158/200 AS AQ: 39 EQ: 17 SQ: 76.
You scored 124 aloof, 121 rigid and 95 pragmatic.

English is not my native language. 1000th edit, here I come.

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22 Jul 2012, 1:45 am

I've mentioned in other threads my aversion to obnoxious sounds like weed whackers, screaming children, etc...

I also hate bright light and scratchy fabrics like others have mentioned.

When I was a kid, I used to break out when exposed to a sudden change in temperature. For example, leaving a warm shower to a cold room or entering an air conditioned store from the hot outdoors. It would look like red hives mostly on my back and some on my arms and elsewhere. They would disappear after 10-15 minutes of so. No one, including the doctor, seemed to be able to say what was going on. Does this happen to anyone else?

I do want to mention that many of my "sensory issues" I consider positives like certain smells being mood lifters, certain sounds being soothing, being able to identify things by smell, etc...


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23 Jul 2012, 4:57 pm

Echo1030 wrote:
I have misophonia... it's a living hell.

I also get a little weird with touch stuff (I cut the tags out of my clothes, I compulsively feel fabric, nothing restrictive around my neck, weird/unusual pressure points. I can't stand loud noises like pots and pans banging around or overly loud music.

me too :cry: :cry:
I am your neighbor in hell.


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23 Jul 2012, 5:01 pm

I don't have any sensitivity issues, actually. I've always thought it was rather odd, actually, as it seems like every other aspie has some sort of sensitivity issue, whether related to sound, smell, taste, vision, eye contact or skin contact.


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23 Jul 2012, 5:34 pm

I would have to say Light sensitivity as I always use indirect lighting at home and keep things pretty dark. When my wife uses the laptop she leaves the screen on full brightness and I feel like it is melting my eyes. I also use a backlight behind my TV (also known as a bias light), this keeps your eyes from having to dilate and contract every time the scene changes from bright to dark. As someone else mentioned driving at night with headlights shining in my face is misery.

I would say very mild misophonia as well, mainly whining children and a few other loud, random noises. I work in an ICU so i can usually tune out most of the beeps and constant noises, respirator alarms are horrible though, ugh!

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23 Jul 2012, 10:24 pm

When I wasn't under a lot of medical stress it was limited to a high pain tolerance, photophobia, loud noise, picky about fabrics, and an extremely sensitive sense of smell...which was annoying but useful when I worked in a hospital. I also have an extremely acute sense of touch in my fingers, which I used for my job too.

Spectrum shifts suck. A little bit better lately with new meds, but still there. The photophobia is not severe anymore but it's still constant outdoors. At least sunglasses are enough now. Noise is the worst for blurring into a jumble that I simply can't pick anything out of. My husband simply cannot remember if he wants me to understand him in the mall I have to be able to read his lips. Otherwise all I can make out is his voice but not what he's saying. And my hearing has been tested and it's in good range. Noise volume or that jumble/roar effect can trigger migraines, so I carry earplugs everywhere. Really strong smells can trigger migraines too. I have been shocked at some of my emotional reactions to overwhelmingly loud noise. It's uncommon for me to have strong emotions, and when I have them for stuff like this I don't know what to do with them.

I was really upset when my tastes changed under stress. I was quirky about food before and suddenly there was only a really short list of stuff I would salty foods, no vinegar in anything on my food, no spicy foods, nothing mixed together unless it's totally blended (etc.), but oh lettuce tastes fantastic just plain and people think I'm so funny that way. I really prefer to eat foods one at a time, not like a mixed salad. Mixing is like an explosion, a chaos of flavors, and if I'm doing well I can endure it but I don't enjoy it like I do one flavor at a time.

My therapist asked at one point if clothing tags bothered me and I said no, but my answer puzzled me. I quit cutting out tags because I didn't like the remaining bit poking me. I went home and looked in my closet. Tags don't bother me anymore because I apparently don't even buy clothes with tags...the labels are printed on the fabric of the clothes I buy, including the underwear. And I was surprised to find when my great-grandmother died that she had a closet full of clothes with every single tag cut out of them too. (We shared some neurological annoyances.)

Oh colors...fascinating to see how many of you share my wierd dislike for the color magenta/fuschia.

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24 Jul 2012, 12:49 am

I can't touch most rough paper. I hate the texture of most napkins. I am also very sensitive to temperature. I prefer warmer climates, but can't take the full heat of summer at all.

I can't stand so many noises. The train horn, I am sure, has woken me up twice per night since I was a baby, and I live FAR away from any tracks. Most new music, I can't stand. There is so much dissonance that seems to be put in newer music on purpose. Plus, I can't take the noise in environments that play that; perhaps just hearing the music makes me think of crowds. There are many people who I HATE their voices. I don't even know them but have to have regular contact with them. I don't even know their names; I give them mean ones like "Screech" and "Bird Lady"(she sounds like a freaking ostrich!)
I also flip out if someone makes the styrophome noise, and I am afraid to touch it as it might make the noise.
Also, if two or more people speak at the same time, the voices just compound, and I can't hear anything people say, and try to distract myself before I just flip out about how many directions my attention would divide into.

Taste and smell: I can't eat bell peppers. I can't smell them. I cant eat anything that has been stored in the same open area as cut bell peppers. They SUCK. They are a scourge on the Earth, and they need to be eradicated!
I had a bad dream one time that somehow included the aroma of maple syrup. Quit eating syrup for years.
I also get addicted to certain foods. Like I ate a double-filet of fish 3 times per day for a month. I just couldn't eat anything else when I was on that roll. If I think about eating, a certain smell pops into my nose, and I can't eat anything that doesn't correspond to it.