I liked my childhood, but my school life makes me feel unhappy because I didn't really have any true friends. I got accepted on and off really, sometimes a few weeks came where others liked playing with me at primary school and I was included in games, then suddenly it all died out again and I was sort of lonely again. Also some moments in my childhood panic me, like some memories I have (by looking at videos and photos) I look and act really normal, you wouldn't think I even had AS, and I fitted in well with other children and was all relaxed and happy. Then in other photos or videos, I was looking all disturbed, uncomfortable, aloof, miserable, et cetera, and you might guess that I have something wrong. I remember when I was about 8, I had temper tantrums in the garden when all my cousins were round, and God knows what the neighbours must have thought, seeing an 8-year-old screaming and crying for hours. Then other times when I was in a crowd of other children (whether they were my cousins or not), I felt all happy and I mingled in well.
All that behaviour makes me feel incredibly ashamed of myself, and it makes me so sad. Sorry, there is nothing about AS that has made me happy.