Do you like sharing food with others?

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01 Feb 2015, 1:49 pm

The only time it crosses my mind to share with others unless they ask is when I'm eating a snack or drinking a soda with my girlfriend around & then I offer to share because I know she doesn't mind having some but wouldn't want to open it or get it for just her.

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01 Feb 2015, 2:09 pm

I don't share my food. I don't ever plan to. Unless specified or necessary.

Even people are offering me, I prefer not to accept it. Again, unless specified or necessary.

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01 Feb 2015, 6:48 pm

I don't mind sharing food at all, especially finger food.

I don't really like sharing forks/spoons or drinks, though. Not for any sort of selfish reasons, but rather because I don't want someone else' cold germs or viruses etc, so I almost Never share any of these sorts of things unless I "have to," ie it would be really awkward to avoid it.

Ironically, I've kissed a lot of people and thought nothing of it. I guess it's a bit of an irrational OCD thing when it comes to utensils and drinks. So far it's not caused me any problems at all. Also, if others want to share something I have - or offer a taste of theirs - it's pretty easy to just tell a little white lie and tell them I'm just getting over a cold or feel one coming on so don't want to make others sick.. gets ya out of having to share.

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01 Feb 2015, 7:07 pm

I will share food no problem, but on separate plates with our own dips or a no double dipping rule. I'll share my drink if it has a sports valve cap. Its hygiene related.

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01 Feb 2015, 7:11 pm

I love to share food, I think it's the way to eat.

In Turkey I sat down on the floor with a bunch of guys and we all ate from the same huge bowl of soup, dipping our spoons in at the same time. There was such a great feeling of friendship and conviviality. Sharing food is one of the most human things you can do.

On the other hand, if I go for a meal with my Mom, who has an incredibly small range of foodstuffs she will eat, and I order chips (fries) she will without a doubt snatch one from my plate as soon as it arrives even though she has refused to order chips (fries) herself. It irritates the hell out of me.

Both the above statements are true.


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02 Feb 2015, 12:32 am

I don't mind sharing food, in fact sometimes I prefer it. A lot of times I would rather split a meal with someone at a restaurant, or share a couple of appetizers, because I may not eat an entire meal by myself. But if I am eating something special that I want to have all to myself, hands off.

What I really dislike is when someone puts something they don't want to eat, on MY plate, especially if it has been touching some other food on their plate that I don't like.

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02 Feb 2015, 9:42 am

Nope. Can't stand it. And when they say..."I just want a bite, I am not really hungry," I want to scream at them.


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02 Feb 2015, 9:47 am

It took a while, but I finally got my wife to order her own desserts instead of picking off of mine. I did this by ordering desserts that I knew she didn't like, and then ate them s-l-o-w-l-y right in front of her. She finally got used to the idea that if she wanted a particular dessert, she would have to get her own.

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02 Feb 2015, 12:26 pm

No. If something is delicious, I will not share it with other people. I may look rude but I will not offer my food. I would happily share my food that doesn't taste good.

When I do have to share my food, the other person's cutlery etc that he/she has been using must not touch my food because I don't like other people's saliva. If it does, I will not eat the rest of the food. This is another reason I don't want to share my food. If I make it obvious that I don't like other people's cutlery touching my food, I may be seen as being rude/paranoid. It's mentally exhausting.


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02 Feb 2015, 12:47 pm

I don't think anyone is obligated to share their food with others. It was something new in high school when my choir teacher said it was rude to bring food to class and not share it with everyone. I asked my mom about this and she said she never heard of such thing and she just thinks it's a rule my teacher made up. If people are so hungry, they can either buy their own food or bring their own.

I sometimes don't mind sharing food with others when I have a lot of it because it's less calories I am having then. Lot of people don't want the food I am eating so I don't mind sharing it. I also once brought cupcakes to work to share with everyone because I had to get rid of them because my husband goofed up getting them, he ordered too much and he was supposed to get mini cupcakes, not regular cupcakes for my son's school.

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02 Feb 2015, 1:04 pm

I like to share my food with others if it's junk food or finger food.

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02 Feb 2015, 1:09 pm

I do not like sharing food and I won't do it once it is on my plate. I also detest it when someone wants me to eat some of their food. Blech. Just, No.
Sometimes - I think it is related to this - by the time I am done cooking a meal for myslef and others, I have no interest in eating it, even though I know it is really tasty.


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02 Feb 2015, 2:52 pm

eric76 wrote:
eric76 wrote:
I only share my food with Willie, a co-workers Maltese dog that she brings to the office. If Willie doesn't like what I'm eating, I fix him something that he likes. I often tell people that I'm Willie's personal chef.

Of course, Willie eats off of his own plate.

I should add that Willie is just about the only other living being besides me who will even eat my cooking except on rare occasion.

Willie died a few months ago and the co-worker has a new dog named Charlie. I fed Charlie a small piece of chicken once and he puked for an hour. It turns out that he can't tolerate much in the way human food at all.

So I'm no longer a dog's personal chef.

Awww, Eric, I'm so sorry your "friend" has passed-on. Maybe you could get a little bag of organic doggie treats to keep at your desk, for when Charlie visits. My friend had a cat that had trouble eating and I bought her some organic cat food, and the cat was finally able to eat, with no stomach problems.

I like to share food with people. I don't mind them giving me a bit, and I don't mind giving them a bit----but, I DON'T like when people just TAKE a bit, without asking; it makes me wanna SMACK 'em!!


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02 Feb 2015, 3:42 pm

I don't mind sharing my food. That was part of my family culture. Sometimes if we couldn't decide what we wanted to order at a restaurant, two of us would each get a different dish and then split it when it arrived so we each got half of each dish. My husband had a thing or two to get used to when we met!

As far as sharing food that has already been eaten... We do that, too. We might offer just a bite, and trade so that the other person could taste what we were having, and vice verse.

I will only share with very close friends and family. I would never ask someone who is not close friends or family, but I know I have indicated curiosity before because then someone has asked me if I want to try something. I will say no if it is off a plate, but might say yes if it's a stick of gum or a candy they are offering. I try not to show this curiosity though.

What bothers me about sharing is other people's utensils. When you have little kids, they often don't finish what they have on their plate. If I was still hungry, I might eat what's left over. But I cannot eat something from someone else's plate. It is so gross, like they didn't eat it with the proper neatness or something. So, I place it on my plate, then eat it. I also need to use my own fork/knife/spoon.

A lot of our sharing is done to cut down on expense and extra calories. If we are on the run somewhere and must order fast food, the fries and drinks are shared.


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02 Feb 2015, 3:56 pm

I want my food and do not like to share with others. I don't want to ask them for theirs and I don't want them to ask for mine.


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02 Feb 2015, 4:05 pm

I don't mind sharing food as long as I'm expecting it. It would annoy me if somebody helped themselves without asking to food that was on my plate. I quite like offering drinks and snacks to guests, though I can easily forget that it's a sociable thing to do.

I see a couple of people have mentioned the situation where you offer to get somebody their own portion of some food or other, and they decline it but say they'll have some of yours. Dad (likely an Aspie) once described just such an incident to me, and made it clear that he thought the woman concerned must have been an irrational jerk for showing such a senseless preference. Is it a girl thing? If so, maybe it symbolizes the ancient procedure of the male feeding his mate, or maybe the girl's just watching her weight, doesn't want tempting to pig out, but would like a small taste. It does sound to me like some kind of bonding ritual - if so, it's not surprising that Dad couldn't understand it. He never did get a lot of those funny little social things.

I don't like eating from the same trough like they do in some cultures, though I can see the social value, quite the reverse of the "I don't want your spit in my mouth, I might catch something" vibe. I'd feel OK about sharing a container of food with my partner, using a fork each, because if either of us has an infection then it has other ways of transferring itself between us, but a communal trough for several people seems more risky. On the other hand, I used to share joints with loads of people I didn't always know very well, and never thought about it, but never came to any harm.