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15 Dec 2006, 8:12 pm

lie on the floor, sleep on the floor, sleep backwards, stare at the rain, stare at the fan ect.

check, check, check...

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16 Dec 2006, 12:43 am

I hate sitting on a chair and must be crosslegged,if I have to.I dont mind laying on the couch when reading with the kitty laying on me.

I think I got used to sitting on the floor when I was a kid because If I sat on the couch,someone might sit down next to me(family)and that made me nervous.I liked laying in front of the TV and spelling out words in the nap of the carpet(didnt improve my horrid spelling),I also used to excercise while watching TV.It was just to boring to sit and stare at the box without mving....I rerally wonder if exercising in this way is a form of "stimming"...kept me trim,anyway.When ever I am "forced" to go socialize at someone else's house....I always sit on the floor.It either strikes people as "strange" because I am not a "kid" anymore or polite,that I am leaving room on the furniture for others.

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16 Dec 2006, 8:50 am

I sit on the floor while I'm watching TV because I'm near sighted and can't see when I'm on the couch.
When the ad breaks come I like to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth on the curve of my spine.
Sometimes I like to lift my entire lower body (from my chest downwards) and point it up to the ceiling using my arms and elbows as a kinda brace.
My head, shoulders and elbow are the only things still on the floor (I guess you can say I'm about 90% upside down)

It's hard to describe, I may need to draw a diagram :?


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16 Dec 2006, 10:48 pm

I love to lay on the floor by the heater vent when i watch tv. I put my feet over the vent with a blanket on top and the blanket catches the hot air and makes you all cozy. All my sister do this too. And then when you get too hot you roll over and the hot blanket squeezes you...mmmmm... I LOVE IT!

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16 Dec 2006, 10:50 pm

blue_bean wrote:
I sit on the floor while I'm watching TV because I'm near sighted and can't see when I'm on the couch.
When the ad breaks come I like to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth on the curve of my spine.
Sometimes I like to lift my entire lower body (from my chest downwards) and point it up to the ceiling using my arms and elbows as a kinda brace.
My head, shoulders and elbow are the only things still on the floor (I guess you can say I'm about 90% upside down)

It's hard to describe, I may need to draw a diagram :?

I know what you're talking about, i do this too, it's fun. And I stand my legs and back straight and then curl my legs over my head to the floor.

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16 Dec 2006, 10:50 pm

No, I can't lie down flat. It bothers me. When I sleep, I have to be propped up with many pillows against the wall. If I'm sitting on the floor (or anywhere else, for that matter), I'm only truly comfortable when I'm sitting on my knees.

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Emu Egg
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22 Oct 2016, 3:51 am

Hey, I do the exact same thing. Laying on the floor makes me feel somehow safe. I've just typed in Google: ,,I like laying on the floor." To find out what does it mean and if I'm the only one who does it.


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22 Oct 2016, 4:11 am

I have a bed but I sleep on the floor every night. I've never known why exactly, I just like it. The same with sitting down, if I can I much prefer to sit on the floor than on a chair or sofa. It really annoys my family for some reason, I don't understand why because it doesn't affect them surely?

Sometimes if I'm overwhelmed or stressed I instinctively want to sit under the table, which is odd I know :? so I usually fight the urge lol!

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22 Oct 2016, 4:33 am

If I'm laying on the floor it's usually because I'm in the midst of what I can only assume is a panic attack. However, when I was young, I used to sleep on the floor frequently.

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22 Oct 2016, 7:15 am

When I was a child and teenager I used to read A LOT. I would always read crouched on the floor with my bum in the air and my forearms on the floor, my book between my arms. :? It was quiet and I wouldn't get distracted. Very peaceful and comfortable. My family thought I was weird. Apparently you're supposed to sit in a chair when you read a book, or at least lie on a bed.


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22 Oct 2016, 7:29 am

I do often but don't put much thought into it. I also play on the floor alot.

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22 Oct 2016, 11:20 am

Responding to a 10 year old thread, are we?

I enjoy laying on the floor. There's something about being close to the ground that's more comforting than a bed. I used to spend a lot of time drawing patterns in the carpet with my finger when I was younger.

jnet wrote:
jimservo wrote:
Also when relaxing occasionally I will lie down and look up and the fan spin

Looking up at the fan while lying on the floor is one of my earlier memories. I'd sit and stare at the fan and see if i could follow just one blade go round and round. My little brother asked me one time what i was doing and i explained it to him so i got him into doing that too :)

Wow, it's good to know I'm not the only one who does that!


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22 Oct 2016, 8:15 pm

I sit on the floor all the time. I place the laptop on my lap and turn on the TV (for background noise). There are usually papers, pens and other stuff on the floor next to me (as the floor sort of becomes my desk). I have no idea if this is strange or not. But, it's what I do.

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29 Dec 2017, 10:44 pm

I have been finding that laying on the floor (on a yoga mat) is very soothing when I’m having a panic attack. I also use a foam roller that I got from the physio and it helps so much! The deep pressure into the muscles relaxes me very quickly.
I suppose laying on the hard floor would also provide a deep pressure sensation.


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30 Dec 2017, 7:44 am

Wow, this is the definition of necroposting. But apparently the mods don't seem to care, so here goes nothing...

No I don't lie on the ground. It's kind of hard and cold for my liking, and the odd time I've done it, I am very stiff when I get up.

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30 Dec 2017, 10:45 am

I love the floor, but have an aversion to it if there is no carpet (or grass). I've often had to turn down offers of "we have chairs, if you'd like". Gosh, now that I think about it, I used to all but live in the basement, and there wasn't a single chair down there, just a couple of old sofa cushions and some thick carpeting.

I've always loved the idea of Japanese futons, and after a couple years of faking it with a regular mattress, I finally bought myself a real futon set this year. It's great.

I'd like to get a zabuton/zaisu or two--though we have floor cushions that work well--and build myself a short desk/table for one of my computers.

I also stumbled upon kotatsu tables and I can't understand why they aren't in every home on the planet O_O

I need one.

Glflegolas wrote:
Wow, this is the definition of necroposting. But apparently the mods don't seem to care...

Nah, this site is pretty lenient towards that sort of thing.

I honestly don't understand why other forums throw a fit over nothing. Sure, blatantly bumping your own thread gets annoying, but I've been to forums where they'll send you a warning for "double posting" if you make two different posts in the same thread :roll: Really, who cares? Post count is not a competition.

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