I want some reparation payments. What about you?!
Who do you think owes you reparations?
The people who bullied you? What makes you think that they have much of anything to give?
The government? Why should the government owe you reparations? And since the money that they would have to pay you for reparations would ultimately come from taxes, why should the rest of us pay you anything when we didn't bully you at all?
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who want reparations are nothing more than idiots who feel they are entitled to be supported by someone else instead of working to make their own way.
Well I suppose I will answer this question...
The people who have bullied me have typically been better off.....so I would assume they are probably better off financially still. I cannot assume that of everyone who's ever done that however. The government just fails at meeting the needs of its people, but they owe the majority of citizens reparations in my opinion.
That's bizarre.
The people who bullied me are generally not better off at all. The worst two died early, one even while still in high school. Another has such a bad attitude that he has never been able to get any kind of promotion his whole life and will never amount to anything. I think one or two spent serious time in prison. Only those who did the least bullying are doing okay at all and only one of them shows to the high school reunions.
None of my classmates who are doing the best in life were bullies at all.
Who do you think owes you reparations?
The people who bullied you? What makes you think that they have much of anything to give?
The government? Why should the government owe you reparations? And since the money that they would have to pay you for reparations would ultimately come from taxes, why should the rest of us pay you anything when we didn't bully you at all?
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who want reparations are nothing more than idiots who feel they are entitled to be supported by someone else instead of working to make their own way.
Well I suppose I will answer this question...
The people who have bullied me have typically been better off.....so I would assume they are probably better off financially still. I cannot assume that of everyone who's ever done that however. The government just fails at meeting the needs of its people, but they owe the majority of citizens reparations in my opinion.
That's bizarre.
The people who bullied me are generally not better off at all. The worst two died early, one even while still in high school. Another has such a bad attitude that he has never been able to get any kind of promotion his whole life and will never amount to anything. I think one or two spent serious time in prison. Only those who did the least bullying are doing okay at all and only one of them shows to the high school reunions.
None of my classmates who are doing the best in life were bullies at all.
AQ 25
Your Aspie score: 101 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 111 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 35,011
Location: Somewhere in Colorado
That is my point. We cannot judge if they had it worse than we did... But I can tell you that having aspergers or being on the autistic spectrum isn't why some of us were ostracized.
Please go back and read my statements... I never stated that it was acceptable. Not once... I pointed out that according to studies, ALL teens feel they are bullied. I never commented on the acceptability of it. I simply stated that it is a fact. I am not sure why you feel I am condoning it, but unless I explicitly state that is the case, I assure you it is not.
My point is, we feel put upon, but so do the popular ones. According to the polls, all kids feel that they are receiving bullying and social pressure, no matter their strata...
Further... your point kind of proves mine. We cannot state that we had it worse than they did. We did not experience their lives, and therefor have no frame of reference.
That all being said... we are animals, primates. Differences in behavior are lashed out against instinctively by NTs. Many, many studies have been conducted on their need for conformity. By behaving differently, they see somethign wrong and their instincts tell them to do away with us. Every aspie I have ever interviewed (and for my current project, that's well over 800 and counting), stated that even if they had been aware of the social constructs and implied social responsibilities and contracts growing up, they still would not have conformed... EVEN KNOWING the instincts and reactions of the masses... As such, we do bring it upon ourselves...
Nowhere here, did I state we are to blame for the millions of years of instincts and social conditioning of the western world.
I am sorry that it was not clear
I know most if not all teens struggle with those feelings, however I know its less common for one to be consistently bullied and ostracized all throughout highschool. I imagine there are some things I cannot even comprehend that some of the more popular teens have to put up with in order to keep their status...So I certainly cannot claim I had the worst teenage years moreso than any more popular kids. I just know I havn't been able to exactly handle what all I went through so its irrelevent to me who has it worse or better or the same since it does not really change how I've been effected. If anything it just sometimes makes me feel bad I can't just deal with it and get on with things.
So yeah I certainly do not claim to have it worse than anyone specific, as it is simply too subjective and depends on too many variables. Also I know how things in the wild work, but if we would like to revert to wild animal instincts why do we even have societies and systems of government? I know that is how it is which is why I think humans should be taught they do not have to ostracize and bully people who are different even if they have the urge....humans can comprehend that I am sure, and well there have been cases of animals going against typical 'survival of the fittest behavior' so I don't even know if I can accurately say its how things always work in the wild. Why should someone have to conform to a specific mold? Its actually not necessary for human existence, now true survival of the fittest always plays a role but people mistake the psuedo-survival of the fittest behavior that is practically encouraged in society for the real thing.
I can understand conforming to not doing things that will hurt others....but why should one have to conform in every way even if all their differences don't even harm anyone to avoid ostracizm and bullying, it's that which I think should be discouraged not dismissed as oh well you're bringing it on yourself by being different than them.
We won't go back.

Joined: 6 Jan 2011
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 35,011
Location: Somewhere in Colorado
Who do you think owes you reparations?
The people who bullied you? What makes you think that they have much of anything to give?
The government? Why should the government owe you reparations? And since the money that they would have to pay you for reparations would ultimately come from taxes, why should the rest of us pay you anything when we didn't bully you at all?
As far as I'm concerned, the only people who want reparations are nothing more than idiots who feel they are entitled to be supported by someone else instead of working to make their own way.
Well I suppose I will answer this question...
The people who have bullied me have typically been better off.....so I would assume they are probably better off financially still. I cannot assume that of everyone who's ever done that however. The government just fails at meeting the needs of its people, but they owe the majority of citizens reparations in my opinion.
That's bizarre.
The people who bullied me are generally not better off at all. The worst two died early, one even while still in high school. Another has such a bad attitude that he has never been able to get any kind of promotion his whole life and will never amount to anything. I think one or two spent serious time in prison. Only those who did the least bullying are doing okay at all and only one of them shows to the high school reunions.
None of my classmates who are doing the best in life were bullies at all.
Intresting, it was mostly the normal people bullying me for not being normal....or some of the more cruel ones might have had minor sociopathic traits that don't exactly set one back in this society and just enjoyed that they could upset me and get a 'reaction' or make me look stupid for their own entertainment. I don't go to the highschool reunions because I don't want to see any of those people, I spent enough time getting looked down on at that school. I wouldn't really have anyone to talk to two people who were friendly towards me are dead and the only other people I knew who weren't jerks to me probably wouldn't show up for it.
We won't go back.
My 40th high school reunion was a couple of months ago. The closest thing we had to a bully there was one classmate who was the least important of a small pack. Without the pack, I doubt that he would have ever had the gumption to attempt to bully anyone.
Again, you ascribe aspects of should or should not to what I say... Which is not at all my intention...
Think about the perceptions of Aspies. We are often perceived as rude, calloused or emotionless. We answer straight and without flowery words... In many cases, what we have said has repercussions and emotional repercussions that we are unaware of.
A great amount of what we consider bullying can, in many cases, be attributed to the fact that we hurt their feelings. Then we don't react like they expect to their apparent psychic wounds, and as a result they think that we are behaving in a way that indicates that we don't care about their feelings (which may or may not be true)... Then they respond in a way that would evince a "Oh, What's wrong?" and follow it up with a "I'm sorry, I didn't realize... anything I can do to make it better?"... We don't do that. They, through their conditioning, have no choice but to respond to regain their social status.
All of this, however is to say, it is not good or bad... It is. I do not say anyone SHOULD behave a certain way, or that they SHOULD NOT behave a different way... I simply say that they DO.
Since we have come as far as we have as a species by using those instincts to our benefit, I cannot say that their reactions are wrong... Especially since the individual has little to do with the survival of a species...
But this is all neither here nor there...
Since I have the limited frame of reference of my own experience, I am unable to look at things except through the warped lens of my own perceptions. As such, I pass no judgement, simply observe...
Ironically enough, this is the second time, I have had to explain this very thing... I believe it was to you, because it was on the same topic - bullying...
Simply put...I cannot see fit to judge people beyond the threshold of "Intelligent enough to break away from the restrictions of their instincts" and "too stupid to get beyond their instincts." For the record... the stupid will rarely do what is moral and ethical, but will either succumb to their instincts or worse yet, the social conditioning they are subjected to.
Without changing every aspect of our culture, without changing everything about the way we are educated, the way we live as a country, the way react to others at every turn... It won't change.
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
Yes these were my thoughts exactly
What impression does this kind of of thread give to an outsider to the ASD community?
We can all express exactly how we feel about things but you have to bear in mind what is
happening in the wider world and how this will impact on other peoples' impressions of us
if we start talking about revenge and violence
Part of me doesn't care what the wider world thinks anyway but another part does
I would ask for an apology then have a beer with them. Kids grow up and change. Like we change. We learn to understand our emotions and control them. We learn empathy and how to care for others. We learn how to be more responsible.
Violent thoughts about those who wronged us many years ago are not good for our emotional well being.
My band photography blog - http://lostthroughthelens.wordpress.com/
My personal blog - http://helptheywantmetosocialise.wordpress.com/
Yes these were my thoughts exactly
What impression does this kind of of thread give to an outsider to the ASD community?
We can all express exactly how we feel about things but you have to bear in mind what is
happening in the wider world and how this will impact on other peoples' impressions of us
if we start talking about revenge and violence
Part of me doesn't care what the wider world thinks anyway but another part does
I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. Out of the 1500 or so occasions that I have used guns and ammo over the past 30 years there have been exactly zero instances of revenge and violence. Are you saying that If a man with AS mentions guns or ammo people will immediately assume revenge and violence because of some whackjob who is rumored to have AS by some still unknown source? Or are guns and ammo always synonymous with revenge and violence?
Is it still ok for me to use the word "drone"? I mean these taxpayer approved little killing machines are operated by NT's and only blow up foreign children in foreign school houses so it should be ok right? It's not like those foreign kids have anyone that loves them.
Hopefully the outsiders reading this will appreciate sarcasm and hypocrisy.
Yes these were my thoughts exactly
What impression does this kind of of thread give to an outsider to the ASD community?
We can all express exactly how we feel about things but you have to bear in mind what is
happening in the wider world and how this will impact on other peoples' impressions of us
if we start talking about revenge and violence
Part of me doesn't care what the wider world thinks anyway but another part does
I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. Out of the 1500 or so occasions that I have used guns and ammo over the past 30 years there have been exactly zero instances of revenge and violence. Are you saying that If a man with AS mentions guns or ammo people will immediately assume revenge and violence because of some whackjob who is rumored to have AS by some still unknown source? Or are guns and ammo always synonymous with revenge and violence?
Is it still ok for me to use the word "drone"? I mean these taxpayer approved little killing machines are operated by NT's and only blow up foreign children in foreign school houses so it should be ok right? It's not like those foreign kids have anyone that loves them.
Hopefully the outsiders reading this will appreciate sarcasm and hypocrisy.
I just know how NTs think
And I know for a fact that an NT reading about people with Aspergers/Autism talking about wanting to get violent revenge on those who have bullied them, especially where guns are also mentioned, is not going to form a good opinion.
I'm not talking about fact; I'm talking about the inevitable conclusions people form when they are already ignorant/ill-informed and prejudiced
I would also add though that I hate guns and would never have one or condone the use of them so from that point of view I'm prejudiced myself.