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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Dec 2006, 7:14 am

Ticker wrote:
Panik wrote:
I find the tone of your posts rather insulting. Why are you even on here if you have no problems functioning in society? To gloat over your high IQ?

I am here because I am a diagnosed Asperger and also have PDD. I am here because this is a place for Aspergers people to socialize. I do have a number of problems functioning in society and never said I didn't. Look, just because I have a high IQ and do get out in the world a bit doesn't mean I don't have difficulties. I am proud that I have even come this far because I had a rough start in life. I am a DES baby and lost my twin brother most likely due to the DES deformities, nearly died myself at 6 months old and had a serious head injury at 9 months old. Actually I have had 4 head injuries in my life so its a surprise I can even still communicate. I just don't like to take the oh woe is me stance and think just because I have Aspergers that I can't do things or that I always have to be the victim and all NT's are bad.

Panik, how old are you? And why are you here?
I am 25 years old. I'm here because I have 0 friends and no family that will help me figure out if I have AS or not. To make a long story short, someone mentioned I could be autistic. I started putting two and two together and it makes alot of sense if I would have AS, perhaps in a milder form then some people here.

I narrowed the DX down to Aspergers in the autistic-spectrum by studying all the DSM for various disorders and reading alot about psychiatry. This has taken me several years to accept and understand. It is by all means no FAD that I want to be autistic because its cool or makes you seem smart. I've had TONS of problems through adolescence and no doctor has given me an explanation for my problems they just don't care!

Neither did my parents it seems. I also notice some very similar traits in my sister even though we are complete opposites personality-wise. I MIGHT get the chance to get a DX but that could take years of waiting it's INSANE. But it would make alot of sense and give me some justification for all the weirdness. Just got the book by Dr Tony Attwood will be interesting to read more.

Sorry for the big OT everyone :?

P.S my english might be a bit rusty these days, have not used it for almost a decade in writing!


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28 Dec 2006, 8:17 am

I don't hate all NTs. In fact, all of my friends that I've made in the past few months are NTs and all of them accept my more noticeable quirks (of which there are many, because that's the way I present myself) because I am, at the end of the day, interested in the same kind of things that they like.

I had a hideous time at school because I was around a bunch of NT idiots who didn't get me one bit, and who either mocked my interests, or mocked me because I was slightly different physically (I had hydrocephalus as a baby, so my skull is a little larger than a "normal" skull would be), and my circle of really good friends was very small as a result. My self-confidence took a real battering then.

At work, I know I'm seen as "the eccentric one" because all my workmates are NT - and because I have a toy-collecting obsession - but I don't think it's in any kind of malicious way, at least not in the majority of cases. I don't socialise with them for the most part, though, because I always feel like a fifth wheel at those kinds of things - everybody has their cliques and I'm always feeling like I'm between two conversations. At least with my friends I can feel like I'm actually taking part in a discussion...

Why so serious?


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28 Dec 2006, 1:50 pm

NT's have just bullied me,tormented me and push me around when all i did was to try and be friends with them,they all deserve to die.

My sig pwns.


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28 Dec 2006, 1:57 pm

Panik wrote:
I narrowed the DX down to Aspergers in the autistic-spectrum by studying all the DSM for various disorders and reading alot about psychiatry. This has taken me several years to accept and understand. It is by all means no FAD that I want to be autistic because its cool or makes you seem smart. I've had TONS of problems through adolescence and no doctor has given me an explanation for my problems they just don't care!

Neither did my parents it seems. I also notice some very similar traits in my sister even though we are complete opposites personality-wise. I MIGHT get the chance to get a DX but that could take years of waiting it's INSANE. But it would make alot of sense and give me some justification for all the weirdness. Just got the book by Dr Tony Attwood will be interesting to read more.

Sorry for the big OT everyone :?

P.S my english might be a bit rusty these days, have not used it for almost a decade in writing!

I think this does tend to run in families. It only dawned on me recently that my mysterious grandfather who would always sit in another room alone and smoke his pipe and read during holiday gatherings was probably an Aspie. I remember when he died I thought to myself I really don't know this man at all because we never talked though I was at his house a lot. I notice other family members with AS traits who are probably somewhere on the spectrum though different in some ways from me.

It's good you are reading the Attwood book. Have you checked out his website? Has some good information and some links to many of the support groups.


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28 Dec 2006, 9:57 pm

I don't have a problem with NT's.I DO have a problem with the ones that treated me like s**t(and treat others like s**t,as well),but I don't hate them because they're NT's,I hate them because they are stupid,cruel,close-minded,and down-right annoying.

MOST of my friends are NT's,and they mean the world to me.


Live and let live.

Pileated woodpecker
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28 Dec 2006, 11:19 pm

I only have 1 friend and she is NT. She also happens to be a pshychologist so she understands.

I have nothing against NT's generally, just bad/nasty ones who hurt me or others which number quite a few.


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30 Dec 2006, 1:18 am

Like most people here, the only NT's I have a problem with are those who are mean, narrow-minded, opinionated and power-driven. However, as far as I know, I don't personally know any other Aspie's. I'm 42 and was diagnosed about 3 months ago by a Pschologist who specializes in disorders. I told my parents and that did NOT go over well at all. They just refuse to accept it and don't want me to discuss it with them any further. If I just mention it they get all silent for a moment then continue talking like they didn't hear me.

I have one close friend and another who was sort of close and who is sensitive and kind. The real close friend was very understanding and listened, really listened to me when I explained the symptoms and the diagnosis. She agrees it's probably for real and is very supportive. She's married and has young kids though so she can't really be there for me much. I don't care. I don't really need anyone to be there for me, only occasionallly, so it's fine.

The other friend I could tell didn't know how to take it so we're not really friends at all anymore. She started treating me like I had a terminal illness or something and made it obvious she was uncomfortable with me afterwards.

So to the 14 year old who started this thread, no, NT's do not understand. Especially when you've lived half your life with people thinking you're just odd, stupid, a goof ball and just a failure at life because you don't take it serious enough. I have a manager who thinks I'm gullible and a work clown because I question things like, say, if I'm told I can't be late to a meeting no matter what. I tend to take that literally so in order to clear things up in my mind I might ask "What if something happens?" Of course, I get a "stop being a wise guy" look from my Manager when really, I'm being serious. So I try to tell her I'm serious and she just gets more disappointed in me for my "silliness" and "messing around".

Now if I go to her now and tell her I have Asperger's Syndrome and that I'm really not trying to annoy her, she would tell me that's not funny.

It sucks, it really does but I can't tell anyone else about it because the NT people I know WILL NOT understand.


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30 Dec 2006, 6:11 am

I don't have a problem with NT's.

- Chadders

That's my two pence worth.


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30 Dec 2006, 6:35 am

Autistic or not, they're all people.
Some people I like, some people I don't like.

I just can't lump all the non-autistics into one category as none of them are the same.


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09 Jan 2007, 12:40 am

solid wrote:
well thats what i want to know, i have nothing against them and most frankly unless ur social skills aren't good at all then if u told nt's about ur difficulties they'd understand you

....because they are almost always imbeciles. Out of the thousands I've been unfortunate enough to deal with over the years, I've only met a handful that could be considered anything other than knuckle-dragging cretins. Quite frankly if the whole lot of them dissappeared tomorrow, I'd celebrate. They need to be cured of their affliction (see how they like being on receiving end of that kinda comment) or removed outright. A world where 99.7% of people are Aspies would be considerably better than what we have now. Horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE creatures. *performing voodoo ritual against NT population of the world*