Ooohhhh my goodness gracious, do I EVER! I've always had problems discerning "kidding" from seriousness, ever since I was little. My stepfather is one of those guys who simply LOVES to kid around, and when he first started dating my mom, he found it hilarious that I fell for everything he told me. Now that I'm 21, he still loves kidding around with me, but now I can kinda tell when he's kidding or being serious. I still get confused every now and then, tho.
Several of my stepdad's brothers are like that, too, which is also fun. I'm glad that at least my mom and my aunt, grandma and grandpa on my stepdad's side of the family make sense.
I also had a math tutor during my middle school and high school years who loved kidding around, too, and I had the same problems with that as I did with my stepfather. It was a bit harder with my math tutor bcuz some of the things he said to "kid around" got kind of personal, but I learned to sort of ignore those. After awhile, I even got so I could "return his fire" a little bit. There was this one time when he noticed me getting nervous (I think it was when he was looking at a printout of my grades for that week), and he commented, "Do you have a handkerchief you can wring in your hands, if you're that nervous?" And I smiled and said, "No, but there's tissues in the bathroom - would those work just as well?"
I wish Sterling Holloway narrated my life.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" "Life isn't fair, Calvin." "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in MY favor?" ~ from Calvin and Hobbes