mrmjb1960 wrote:
According to a new study,one out of 80% now have some form of,compared to 50% Last Year,that's a shocking increase! It actually jumped by a Amazing margin!
This sentence make absolutely NO sense!
I think that you mean 1/80 have autism, instead of 1/50 last year.
Which means that autism is DECLINING (not growing) by a dramatic rate.
And if it really did change (either direction) THAT much in one year-it would indicate a flaw in methodology-not a change in actual autism rates anyway.
Just for fun lets take your statement LITERALLY.
If you read 'one out of two people" are say 'male' that means that half (the reciprical of two) are male.
So if you were to say that 'one out of one half' of the populution is XYZ then what would that mean? It would mean that the reciprocal of one half - or "two out of one' -or 'two hundred percent' of the population is XYZ.
So.. "one out of 80 percent " is "one out of four fifths" which is the reciprocal of 4/5. So in effect you are are saying that last year (when it was 'one out of fifty percent') "two out of one" americans were autistic, but now only "five out of four" americans are autistic!
So we are dropping from a 200 percent rate down to a 125 percent rate!
In other words- every extant person in america is autistic PLUS- we used to have an additional 300 million mythical ghost people who were ALSO autistic, but now we only have 75 million ghost people who are autistic ( but all the flesh and blood people are still autistic!).
Well-thank god for small miracles!
We all still autistic. But we have fewer autistic ghost people! I guess thats a step in the right direction! humble as it may be!
Last edited by naturalplastic on 22 Mar 2013, 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.