If you could have chosen before you were born....

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What would you pick?
I’d choose to be born AS 30%  30%  [ 35 ]
I’d choose to be born NT 37%  37%  [ 43 ]
I can’t decide 33%  33%  [ 39 ]
Total votes : 117


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07 Apr 2013, 7:32 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Cafeaulait wrote:
It really suprises me that there are so many people on here whould want to be born as an NT

Why does that surprise you?

You would expect a greater number of people to NOT want a handicap, than to want a handicap.

Also if they ARE happy, then they would tend to not find this site... having not as much need for it.


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07 Apr 2013, 7:47 am

If you could have chosen before you were born....

i could not have chosen anything before i was born because i did not exist then. if i could hop into a time machine and go back in time and be able to change the course of my existence then i would refrain from doing so because i trust how i eternally came to be, and i can not ever think that i am smarter than what dictates the course of eternity. i was always destined to be the way i am due to the dynamic history that was born in the instant of the big bang, and for me to attempt to overrule the perfect evolution of creation that sprang from the bang would be both an example of psychotic arrogance as well as a consignment of my being into non existence.
think hard about it.

i am as a result of an almost infinite set of circumstances that i have no capacity to digest. to take personal control of my eternal history would obliterate any chance of my current existence,


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12 Jun 2013, 11:40 am

I chose NT. I would have been a jerk, I would have been insensitive, I would have been a sports/dance/socialising loving idiot, but I would have never known all this. Now that I'm an aspie, I can never bear to be an NT. But if I could have chosen before birth, I would have definitely chosen NT. Why? Because this pain is more than I can bear, the pain of being autistic in an NT world.

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?

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12 Jun 2013, 11:46 am

Skilpadde wrote:
Please note: this thread is not about whether or not you want a cure now. This is a purely hypothetical question about what you would have chosen if you could.
Imagine you’re given the possibility to go back to the time you were born and live your life all over again, with one difference. This time you get to choose whether you’ll be born NT or aspie. Unlike with a cure, if you choose to be born NT, you won’t kill your personality, it will never have existed in the first place.

What would you pick?

Poll is too basic for me.

I would have said that if there is a heaven/place where the souls are before they are born, I would want to see if it was preferable to stay there or try being an Aspie on Earth. If another planet where it was nicer to exist as an Aspie was on offer I would probably choose that instead of being born on Earth.

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12 Jun 2013, 12:02 pm

Wow, the ''no way, I love being Autistic'' people outnumber the ''I don't care how insensitive and social I would be, I would not of chosen Autism/AS at all'' people.

I'm one of the latter. I would have chosen to be NT. Still be brought up in the same house with the same family, but just be an NT girl instead of an Aspie girl. And by NT, I mean just an average NT. Not an NT with physical differences or learning difficulties if anything like that. Just an average NT.
I would most probably have fitted in at school, been invited to more birthday parties as a little kid, been included to hang out as a teenager, and just lived an average school life which I could look back on and think, ''good days.'' Yes, most NTs begin to enjoy school when they get older because it becomes a social get-together place, and even some of the lessons become fun if they get to sit with their friends or do groupwork, etc. I was always looking around thinking, ''wow, if I had more friends and was socially accepted, school would be so much more fun.'' But it wasn't so fun being the ''weird kid'' of the class. (I wouldn't say ''class geek'' because I wasn't cleverer than the other children in any way, I was just lonely and odd).

But as an adult, I do hate having AS still, because I feel it has ruined lives of close relatives of mine. I feel I have let my family down by my behaviour when growing up, and all the concerns I have caused them before I was diagnosed, and the concerns I cause them now as an adult. I know NTs can be difficult but I'm just awkward and difficult in a unique way, and some issues are hard to get to the bottom of, even for me. I can explain how I feel about things until I'm blue in the face, and still can't get anywhere because my thoughts are too complex and too irrational. I think in words, but maybe I think in pictures over some things that make them different to explain, and also I have complicated emotions. I'd rather not think like this and just think and behave like a normal person, which is why I would definitely have chosen an NT life.

Also walking down the street looking/acting/dressing normal and still getting people staring at me funny is another s**t I could do without. I look/act/dress as normal and standard as an NT (I KNOW I do, I am not an autopilot Aspie), but I still get funny looks, so I suppose it's the AS that shows right through me, as though people know there's something wrong without even knowing me. It would be wonderful to be able to show myself in public without getting all this.


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12 Jun 2013, 2:48 pm

I voted for choosing to be born AS. I have had a fascinating life so far with my special intense interests and talents---which have come from autism. I don't enjoy socializing so the friendship thing is no bother to me. I like keeping to myself and family.

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12 Jun 2013, 3:06 pm

AS.It makes me unique.I don`t want to be ordinary like NT`s are.


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12 Jun 2013, 3:37 pm

I picked NT because I feel like I could have been so popular and happy if I was born NT. I also would have chosen to be born 100% straight. I mostly hate my life and I don't have very many ASD related gifts.

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12 Jun 2013, 4:09 pm

If a "cure" were found, I wouldn't dream of taking it, but if I could have chosen before birth, I'd have to chose NT, I'm afraid.

Many of the problems I face in life are due to NT intolerance, but it cannot be denied that I wouldn't be facing intolerance and discrimination if I weren't different to the majority of the human race. My Autism, and the experiences that have come with it are now an integral part of my personality, but if I could have chosen to life a life which, well, isn't an intolerable pile of s**t, I would have jumped for the chance.


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12 Jun 2013, 4:47 pm

Before I was born, I was not capable of making choices, so the question is impossible. Any answer that I might give is meaningless and absurd.

My wife asks me these absurd questions all the time like "would you still love me if I were something or someone else" or "would you still love me if we were in some impossible situation" and she is always irked that I answer rationally and literally.
I can't help it!

The question does sound like, "Would you rather that someone else had been born in your place and you had never existed," though. I would say, no. I am glad I was born--and by "I" I mean me, as I am.

I guess I will vote can't decide, but I would really like to not have depression and anxiety and to understand people and communicate more fluidly with them, but retain my passionate interests.


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12 Jun 2013, 4:52 pm

whirlingmind wrote:
Poll is too basic for me.

I would have said that if there is a heaven/place where the souls are before they are born, I would want to see if it was preferable to stay there or try being an Aspie on Earth. If another planet where it was nicer to exist as an Aspie was on offer I would probably choose that instead of being born on Earth.
I like that perspective. So much depends on whether the world lets you have your place in it.

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12 Jun 2013, 4:53 pm

I'd choose NT or not birth at all. I don't like who I am the majority of the time.

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12 Jun 2013, 5:01 pm

I think if I were younger I'd say NT, as it negates a whole bunch of the most awkward parts of adolescence, but now I'm fairly comfortable in my skin, and while there are a great number of challenges, I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather be.


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12 Jun 2013, 5:59 pm

NT hands down. I can't think of a single way my AS benefits me.

AS: 138.8
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12 Jun 2013, 6:58 pm

Heh, I never answered this myself.

IDK what I’d pick.
I know my life would have been much easier if I was born NT. I’d much rather be made for this society. I’m not just talking about fitting in, but making a life for yourself; not be someone with about 80% probability of being unemployed, not be someone who’d be absolutely miserable in a job/school they weren’t interested in, having more evenly balanced skills, no sensory issues, less prone to anxiety, learning disability, asthma, allergies, stomach upset and dyspraxia, etc.

I’m sure there would be aspects of myself that I currently like that I’d lose as an NT, but I wouldn’t know, and being NT I wouldn’t choose to have it anyway.

My only real regret would be that I’d never have the best part of my life if I was NT. When I was a teenager, my obsession with Judaism brought me into contact with someone who had an acquaintance who had two pets they wanted to get rid of. If I wasn’t aspie, it’s unlikely that I’d ever get that interested in a religion that wasn’t my own (the one I was born into, I mean), and so I’d never have my beloved Nikita and Nemo. How can I give up that? I mightn’t even love turtles were I NT. Or at the very least not as much as I do now. Can NTs love their pets like they do family members? I can’t imagine losing that, and it seems so much more common for us.

But for all else… I’d def pick NT.

Due to the pet dilemma I voted undecided when I made this thread. If I could be guaranteed the pets, I would have no doubt at all.

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12 Jun 2013, 8:05 pm

NT of course surprising to me how close the votes are lool