I adore cats. I have four cats, three of whom are sisters I've raised since birth. Sadly, the sisters' mother, a stray I took in, passed away of breast cancer in 2011, only five months after we found her. She was the most precious cat I've ever seen. I miss her dearly. I don't use cat avatars only because I like my avatar to stand out, and cat avvies (especially on here) are commonplace. I like my avatars to be pictures of my special interests. On other sites, I tend to change my avatar frequently. I don't change it on here because I like my avatar here to represent my user name. Plus, I've used this avatar for so long that I think it would be jarring to change it.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?