For just a few minutes step outside the human species, and see just how utterly mental it is to bathe/shower, in hot water, with soaps and other chemical cleaning products, EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Humans are fricking insane.
No other species on the planet has that urge to constantly purge themselves of the oils their skin and hair produces naturally, in order to remain healthy, or to remove the scents that allow members of a societal group to identify with each other.
One of the most noticable things about unfamiliar/ smells, is how you don't notice them at all after a few minutes of acclimatisation, unless they are really rancid and unsavory (and a real health issue, that warrants our awareness), and yet adverts on TV and in magazines, etc. brainwash people into thinking that the slightest little smell is unhealthy.
Step outside the box for a second, stop thinking like a brainwashed human sat in the middle of a sea of advertising, and think for yourself for a change.
Are all those chemicals in any way natural? Healthy? Good for the planet? Is heating and purifying all that water particularly carbon neutral, sustainable, economical?
Why do you feel the need to shower every day, and what is it that makes you want to do something that would never occur to any species, without someone wanting them to do it, and subliminally encouraging them to do it, so they could be sold soap, shower gel, razors, and an endless succession of cleaning and grooming products? How long until Gillette or Wilkinson Sword come out with a 5 or 6 bladed disposable razor? How many more hair products are going to claim that they produce healthy looking hair, when the easiest way to get healthy looking hair is to stop washing it so often that your scalp has to produce more grease that you only end up washing out, in it's attempts to keep your hair naturally oiled and healthy?
I thought this was a forum for aspies. You know, people who don't just follow the herd, and are capable of independant thought, but so far almost everyone has shown that they're perfectly happy to go along with the crazy NT way of doing things.
OK so there's a sensory side to being unclean, but I bet you wouldn't even think about it, if you weren't made to think about it.
There's a name given to some people, 'domesticated primates'.
Be an educated primate, an enlightened primate, or a learned primate, but whatever you do, don't be a domesticated primate, because then, no matter what your political leanings, you're nothing more than an animal to be used.
You aren't thinking or really existing unless you're willing to risk even your own sanity in the judgment of your existence.