You know what are my expectations about my future. I understand that seven years is a short time for any of the possibilities I have envisioned, but I wonder how far into any of them I will be by then. And which path I will choose.
At least I can safely assume that I will never have the opportunity to use a time machine to go back to the past. If I had that opportunity, I would undoubtedly visit myself. But you already know that.
I could ask you about how you are, but as you can conclude from my previous paragraph, it is pointless. Not only I will not receive a reply, but I am also not interested in meaningless things like "how am I feeling in the future". I am more interested in the state of the world as a whole and my own accomplishments (or lack thereof).
Also, a reminder: you shall ensure that whoever ressurects this topic does so with this video (or a copy of it: I do not know if this video or the account linked to it will still be available in 2020):
But you already know that. You are me, after all.
DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that, while I strongly suspect I have Asperger's syndrome, I am not diagnosed. Nevertheless, my score on RAADS-R is 186, which makes me a pretty RAAD guy.
Sorry for this terrible joke, by the way.