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What do you think of the "Indigo Child" meme?
I am an Indigo Child. 13%  13%  [ 14 ]
I know an Indigo Child. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I believe that Indigo Children exist, but I've never met one. 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
I believe that Indigo Children may exist, but I won't bet on it. 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
It's not likely that Indigo Children exist, but I won't bet against it. 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
I do not believe that Indigo Children exist, but I won't rule it out entirely. 8%  8%  [ 8 ]
I do not believe that Indigo Children exist. 10%  10%  [ 10 ]
I believe that Indigo Children do not exist. 10%  10%  [ 10 ]
Indigo Children do not exist. 21%  21%  [ 22 ]
Indigo-flavored icecream costs 5 quatloos a pint on Planet X. 21%  21%  [ 22 ]
Other: ________________ (Please explain below). 9%  9%  [ 9 ]
Total votes : 104


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07 Jul 2013, 9:50 am

whirlingmind wrote:
Tut, tut Fnord. You haven't mentioned crystal children...

Look again: It's all bogus, anyway.



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07 Jul 2013, 2:00 pm

I was a smurf baby, very blue, having the cord wrapped around my neck when I popped out. (so that's what happened.....)

All this indigo, crystal, lead, molybdenum and all the rest is crap. We got some bad code in our DNA and that's the long and short of it. Jenny McCarthy is an idiot, the science does not back her 'opinion'. Children are dying of pertussis and measles because of her.


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07 Jul 2013, 2:20 pm

drut wrote:
I was a smurf baby, very blue, having the cord wrapped around my neck when I popped out. (so that's what happened.....)

All this indigo, crystal, lead, molybdenum and all the rest is crap. We got some bad code in our DNA and that's the long and short of it. Jenny McCarthy is an idiot, the science does not back her 'opinion'. Children are dying of pertussis and measles because of her.

Smurf babies are a subset of indigo children, all very very blue.


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07 Jul 2013, 2:23 pm

According to my parents, I was more of pool cue chalk kind of blue. And yes, it matches my mood!


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07 Jul 2013, 2:42 pm

Fnord wrote:
whirlingmind wrote:
Tut, tut Fnord. You haven't mentioned crystal children...

Look again: It's all bogus, anyway.


Oh dearie me. I was referring to your OP (which I quoted clearly). Don't make me get the rolling eyes out again.

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07 Jul 2013, 5:21 pm

Fnord wrote:
In my on-going search for useful Autism-related resources, I keep running into this sort of thing instead:

Indigo Children are extant on the Earthly plane to demonstrate:
  • Their ability communicate in unspoken ways.
  • Their ability to access all facets of Divinity.
  • Their ability to heal the world.
  • Their ability to illuminate hidden realities.
  • Their all-encompassing perspective and awareness.
  • Their heightened communal consciousness.
  • Their intrinsic harmony with each other.
  • Their overall uniqueness.

There are many more such lofty and esoteric claims regarding Autistic people, virtually everywhere you can look.


Now, while none of this is on par with "Vaccinations Cause Autism", believing in these things may inspire parents of "Indigo Children" to consider their children above the needs of "ordinary mortals" and treat them like prophets and oracles.

This is completely aside from the fact that none of these claims has any measurable basis in physical reality - it's wishful thinking, plain and simple.


What do you think?

I think we exist for those reasons, in order to maintain the great balance of things. We're not a mistake or a fluke, we're a biological response to the world mankind has created and we're supposed to help put things back in check. Once they are, there won't be as many of us as we won't be Needed - that, and the very act of rebalancing things will reduce our numbers.

This is going to sound twisted and out there on purpose: I believe we are symbiotic beings, humans playing host to parasites that influence and control us for the purpose of creating Indigo thinking, feeling, and acting among humans in order to rebalance the order of things that have gotten so far out of whack with the Greed of capitalism. I'll explain myself at a later date about the symbiotic parasite relationship. It's really not actually a whacked out theory, it's hard cold scientific fact.

I'm not sure if vaccinations can cause Autism or not, but the pharmaceutical industry is certainly a major player in the cause of Autism for many. I'll explain this later, too. Again, absolute irrefutable fact.

Some parents may treat their sensitive children like prophets and oracles, eh? Have you ever read anything about the Buddha? That is exactly to a T what happened. The descriptions of him as a child are like that of a very Autistic child and his parents built a walled castle around him to protect him from the outside world. He was treated like a god, spent his days and years philosophizing, then taught his wisdom to those around him, which is still creating good in the world today. Why should this sort of thing be discouraged if that's what the world Needs is another Autistic prophet to teach it not to destroy itself & to live in harmony with fellow man and the Earth?

The negative traits of Autism are just the price we pay for playing this role. But I got sick and tired of living that way and have figured out the solution to dramatically reducing my symptoms and have been treating myself, all naturally, over the last month and have never felt better in my life. Soon enough I'll share all of this in detail with the forums. This course of treatment is supposed to take about 6 months, so I may just wait that long until I can prove the extent to which it will work for me. I have no idea if it will work for everyone or not, as I don't know if the root cause of Autism is the same for all of us or not. Hm, then again, I might just go ahead and share much sooner when I have the time just to get it out there for anyone else who would like to begin trying this little experiment on themselves to see if they can have their life back sooner rather than later. Hm, indeed.

Peace out for now, I have work to do.

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07 Jul 2013, 5:40 pm

Fnord wrote:
... and the Iridescent/Luminous children?

Those can be found in Ukraine and Japan.

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07 Jul 2013, 6:23 pm

I voted "Other".

Just had a 20 minute poke around on da internetz and have come up so far with the following conclusions....

I could choose to believe that my odder "abilities" and sensitivities are due to the way my brain is wired to over-emphasise some
senses that normally operate on a purely subconscious / instinctive level in a Neurotypical human, combined with an atypical Endocrinol function, or I could choose to seek solace, importance, and membership of a clique by considering myself "Indigo" and finding out what that "means". I was, after all, born in the 70's and came of age in the age when self-importance, self-promotion, selfishness and personal aggrandisement became respectable activities (the 80's)

I could accept what I see and can consider, as simply extant, or I could seek to rationalise it.

"Indigo" is Middle Class for "Neurodiverse."

I am impressed by the cojones of a poster who would go up against Fnord of all people with "we're (I'm) special, it's all irrefutable fact, and I'll prove it, really, only I don't have the time right now..." frankly we must be talking big enough to sit on, combined with a titanium alloy dermis.

However, I can be open minded when my curiosity is piqued, so I am subbed to this thread, and off to make popcorn............ :twisted:

-EDIT- I just had to add this, for the LULZ ... digo30.htm :lmao:

Aspie Score 173/200. NT score 43/200. AQ 37.
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Conformity sucks anyway.

Last edited by torquemada on 07 Jul 2013, 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Jul 2013, 6:24 pm

it would surely be nice to be cut from a fine cloth.


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07 Jul 2013, 6:44 pm

auntblabby wrote:
it would surely be nice to be cut from a fine cloth.

If anyone is, you are, too. We're all cut from the same fabric of the universe. We're all stardust in the end, aren't we?

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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07 Jul 2013, 6:57 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
it would surely be nice to be cut from a fine cloth.

If anyone is, you are, too. We're all cut from the same fabric of the universe. We're all stardust in the end, aren't we?



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07 Jul 2013, 7:22 pm

One thesis of the book "The Indigo Children' seems to be that many children diagnosed as having attention deficit disorder (ADD) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) represent "a new kind of evolution of humanity." These children don't need drugs like Ritalin, but special care and training. The book consists of dozens of articles by authors from many walks of life. It is, accordingly, inconsistent and uneven in quality of analysis and advice. Nancy Ann Tappe is a contributor. One of the authors is Robert Gerard, Ph.D., whose piece is called "Emissaries from Heaven." He believes his daughter is an Indigo Child. He also thinks "Most Indigos see angels and other beings in the etheric." He runs Oughten House Foundation, Inc., and sells angel cards. Thus, there is a commercial aspect to the promotion of the "Indigo Child" meme. Another contributor is Doreen Virtue, an advocate of angel therapy who wrongfully claims that an even further evolved generation of children is now emerging: the so-called "Crystal Children".

Thus, the term "Indigo Child" has spawned numerous other New Age labels, many of which are poetic in nature, and that are not descriptive of any real medical issues the child may have.

One can understand why many parents would not want their child to be labeled as having ADD, ADHD, or AS/ASD. These labels imply imperfection. Some may even take it to mean the child is "damaged." Specifically, it means your child's behavior is due to a neuro-biological condition. To some, this is the same as having a malfunctioning brain or a mental disorder. Understandably, emotions run high here. Treatment of children with problems is a hot button issue for the mass media, attack lawyers, talk show hosts, columnists, and others not known for their role in clarifying complicated scientific or medical matters. Many jump on the bandwagon and attack the drug industry and psychiatrists for overdrugging our children. Opposition is fruitless, because few will listen to those who would defend those who “abuse” children. Fewer still will bother to investigate to see whether the critics know what they are talking about.

The National Institute of Mental Health says that ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed childhood disorder. It affects some 3 to 5 percent of all school-age children. (David Kaiser says 10% of school-age children have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and that in some parts of the country 50% of the children are so diagnosed.) With so many children affected, it should be easy to find cases of misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, adverse drug reaction, and so on. Anecdotes of abuse, however, should not substitute for scientific studies or clinical observations by the professionals who treat these children on a daily basis. But we all know that an anecdote told on Oprah or Larry King Live by Jenny McCarthy or Hilary Clinton is much more powerful than a controlled scientific study.

If a celebrity says that a child with ADD, ADHD, AS, or an ASD is actually the next stage in human evolution, or that Autism is caused by vaccines, then a lot of ignorant and under-educated parents will willingly put themselves in denial that their child is anything less than perfect, and go along with whatever New Age philosophy or Troll Science will elevate their precious children above the norm, rather than below it.


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07 Jul 2013, 8:47 pm

I doubt that any celebrities are saying that we are "the next step in evolution" in a real scientific way. They seem to be using "evolved" in a spiritual sense.
Evolution happens in part through mutations. We are very very very mutated. That is already confirmed in controlled scientific studies.


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07 Jul 2013, 11:02 pm

Anomiel wrote:
I doubt that any celebrities are saying that we are "the next step in evolution" in a real scientific way. They seem to be using "evolved" in a spiritual sense...

Those celebrities must be the comedians.

Spiritual evolution is personal growth in attitude, and is unrelated to genetic evolution of the species.


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07 Jul 2013, 11:54 pm

Exactly. :shrug:


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08 Jul 2013, 1:20 am

AgentPalpatine wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Heck, I want my starship NOW! Then I could use the food replicator to give us all the Indigo Ice Cream we want!

No.....the replicator is 1 piece of gold pressed latium per use.

Throw the Ferengi overboard! I'm next in line for the Replicator... from which I will replicate as much gold pressed latinum as the ship can hold, thereby blowing a very large plot hole in the fact that Ferengi still worship currency.

As for the Indigo thing, I don't know. Frankly it all sounds too spacey, new-agey and wishy washy to me, but I have seen videos of kids who could do some pretty freaky mind-power stuff, so I'm on the fence til some solid nondisputable evidence shows up.

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