Kythe wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I'm sure neurotypicals with depression feel the same way.
Or anyone with depression? Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit confused as to why you brought depression into it. Depression is probably a factor in why I don't like strangers/casual acquaintances asking me how I am as a standard greeting, but it's not the only reason.
But yeah, there are any number of issues that could affect people(both NTs and people on the spectrum) that might seem like not a big deal to people that don't have that issue, but it is a big deal to the people that have the issue. It just really doesn't feel good to be told that it's no big deal and to get over it and move on, because for the person with the issue, it's a big problem that they can't just get over. And yeah, I guess depression is a good example. People with depression can't just get over it and move on, and people who have problems with/are triggered by this sort of greeting can't just get over it and move on either.
I'm so, so sorry I offended you, but I wasn't really aiming my post at you, I was just responding to the OP (which happens to be created a few years ago and someone has recently bumped the topic). I only read the OP's post and it sounded like the OP was just ranting about the question not being a ''real'' question and only wants to be asked intelligent questions. I didn't mean any disrespect to
you. It's just that I've often seen autistic people on WP discussing how ''pointless'' it is to be asked how you are, so I was kind of referring to that.
And you can't stop people (NT or not) from asking these things. I'm sure they don't mean any harm.
You: Hi, how are you?
Me: How am I what?
You: How are you doing?
Me: How am I doing what?
You: Heh heh.. Uh, well anyway... Uh, I was going to say...
I was referring to this (part of the OP). It looks like the common greeting is being took too literally and is making a big deal out of it. THAT is what I meant.