asperion wrote:
If we didn't stick with English: we'd probably do just as well to invent our own (read that somebody was doing that).
Yup. They call it "AutLang".
Living in Antarctica involves being in very close quarters with the same people every day.
I voted New Zealand. It doesn't actually get that much colder in the southern part of the South Island than it does in many other places. And only occasionally snows at ground level. (Which is a bit disappointing, actually.)
There were suggestions that we all move to Japan.
Reasons why this would be good: Japanese people don't expect eye contact all the time, and bow more than shake hands. And Japan has a most excellent popular culture.
Reasons why this would be not so good: Japanese culture dictates that you should not say exactly what you mean, and it's very hard to get anywhere with the bureaucrats. (Even harder than in other places.)
And they are always reluctant to welcome outsiders.
This is why, although I like Japan, I personally like living in New Zealand better.