I selected ''my dad loves me but doesn't understand me much''. I'm not putting my dad down or badmouthing him. I don't really expect him to understand me, as we're not as close as what me and my mum are. I think he just can't be bothered with my stressy behaviour. I don't blame him really. Neither can I.
He calls outbursts or meltdowns ''bust ups''. I quite like that word. Sounds more.....conformist. Most people have bust ups, and most cockneys say that. The words ''outburst'' and especially ''meltdown'' remind me of some person with mental problems and it depresses me to hear it.
Also my dad doesn't have much of a clue of what AS is really about. If I told him I have 50 friends he would believe me. Good, I prefer to keep it that way, if I can.