Strengths: honesty, compassion for animals and elderly people, loyalty to friends and husband, being polite and courteous, sense of humor (often a bit twisted and/or silly), math, science, spelling and grammar, foreign language and word roots/origins, cooking (but need to follow a recipe), remembering everyone's birthday, middle name, phone number and any other trivia that has next to no function, lol. I'm fascinated with the paranormal, whether it exists or not, and I think it does.
Weaknesses: Eye contact, chit-chat with NT women especially if more than 2 at a time, dancing, singing, fashion, makeup, being intolerant of rudeness, discourteousness, people who interrupt. If someone annoys me, I don't know how to either let it go or diplomatically let them know, politics, multi-tasking, shifting concentration from one task to another, being assertive...I'm a bit of a doormat until I've had enough and then I get sarcastic and use biting language on the offending person.
Age 52
Aspie score: 150/200
NT score: 69/200
EQ: 17
You are very likely an Aspie