Nothing's wrong with the actual word. Just my shame of having the condition has always made me hate hearing it, so it seems I just have a problem with the word. When an NT says ''Asperger's Syndrome'', I always feel singled out, and that it's something they just know a bit about but don't have to deal with, and here I am stuck with the label and I hate how Asperger's makes me.
I overstress about things. I am unconfident and timid. I have a lot of social quirks. I am prone to criticism from other people. I have chronic low self-esteem. I am depressed. I need obsessions to survive emotionally, what sometimes gets me into trouble. I don't have many friends, what society frowns upon. I stress if my routine is changed. I find being assertive or in authority so hard that it's humanly not right even for an Aspie. My emotions are too overwhelming sometimes. Certain situations in life are hard due to sensory issues with nerves (being jumpy at sudden loud noises). I give off unfriendly vibes even when I smile and do all the other right things, and feel I am flogging a head horse when trying to be friendly. I only have an average IQ, and below average in some intellectual areas. All in all, Asperger's makes me feel isolated and I don't want to feel like an outsider. I want to feel an insider.
^^^ This is why I cringe when hearing that word being said when unexpected. None of those things listed there are to be proud of, and there is more, but if I listed everything down then I could go on and on.