Boycott Autism Speaks
They put a lot of money toward genetic research. The first thing that'll come out of that is a prenatal test to determine the chance that a child will be born autistic. Once that happens, we'll be subject to eugenic abortion.
And once that happens, the research on cure will virtually stop.
It's happened with other disorders, too. Down syndrome, notably. There's not that much research going on with curing DS now, not since they found out that they could test for it and abort before the child was born.
Autism Speaks isn't about helping autistic people. They aren't even really about curing autism. Their main goal is to make sure that autistic people no longer exist.
Why the hell are so many people so against autism?
I don't think this option should be provided...take a life just because it is not going to be as perfect (whatever that is) as you want it to be? I couldn't. I wouldn't.
Some autistic people are some of the most intelligent I have known (and I have met people with Aspergers in real life as well as spoken to them online). I see nothing that would make me think these people should not exist within society.
Holy cow I hate this society sometimes.
Sea Gull
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They put a lot of money toward genetic research. The first thing that'll come out of that is a prenatal test to determine the chance that a child will be born autistic. Once that happens, we'll be subject to eugenic abortion.
And once that happens, the research on cure will virtually stop.
It's happened with other disorders, too. Down syndrome, notably. There's not that much research going on with curing DS now, not since they found out that they could test for it and abort before the child was born.
Autism Speaks isn't about helping autistic people. They aren't even really about curing autism. Their main goal is to make sure that autistic people no longer exist.
This is an excellent point. Asides from that point, I take issue with Autism Speak's vile, dehumanizing rhetoric and lack of support for autistic people in the long-run. Which is why I would never support such an unsympathetic and divisive organization.
Certainly. I think "curing autism" in the sense of forcibly changing an autistic brain into a neurotypical one is very unethical, and I am sick of the portrayal of autistics as tragic burdens to their families. But we have to acknowledge that some autistic people do want a cure--they would honestly rather be neurotypical than be themselves. I disagree with them, but like me, they are autistic and they have human rights, and they don't deserve to be portrayed as tragic burdens, either. Nor does Autism Speaks help them, any more than they help me.
Focusing on genetics, focusing on a total cure that's probably impossible, and focusing on Lovaas-style ABA and treatment with medication, means that Autism Speaks isn't focusing on research that would help autistic people deal with sensory overload, learn more easily, communicate more effectively, and generally become more competent and independent. Every once in a while, they'll do something that's supposed to help everyday autistics, and they'll wave it around as evidence that that's the sort of thing they do. But it's a lie--they spend their money on theoretical research aimed at eradicating autism. They don't do a thing for people who are already born, unless we're willing to be cute little poster children whose parents can be interviewed while wailing about how defective we are.
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
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And I'm very sure oliveoilmom was being facetious and you took her literally due to your own aspie nature.
Autism does not ruin lives, the ignorance of those interacting with autistics is what causes the problem combined with arrogant NTs thinking that everyone should be like them or they must be defective.
I still fail to see what is so exciting about having the ability to sit around discussing some sh***y gossip magazine stuff whilst actually learning nothing of any real value at all. Why should I aspire to be like this?
I just don't think NTs are very bright. They are brainwashed lemmings unable to see that they cultural beliefs they have been brainwashed with are nothing but an illusion and do not exist in objective reality. Their social rules are illogical, ignorant and a waste of time...they actually cause so much infighting and competition that i believe them to be highly ineffective as a result.
People say these social rules help them communicate but do they, really? Look at the state of the world out there. I don't see a bunch of people getting long well, I see people arguing over petty things, hurting each other because of the size of their ego, an obsession with social chit chat the point that people constantly make mistakes when working instead of concentrating on doing their job, obsession with social hierarchy to the point that is causes discrimination and prejudice.
Im sorry but their system is slowly failing them and they are just too ignorant to see it.
If people were less obssessed with dominance, hierarchy, ego, chit chat and emotion and were more rational, egalitarian and less egocentric the world would run much more smoothly.
Less chit chat about pointless gossip would help people do their job more efficiently as well.
Sounds like you should come join the boycott, the participants would love you and you might even rise up to become a leader of the movement.
They put a lot of money toward genetic research. The first thing that'll come out of that is a prenatal test to determine the chance that a child will be born autistic. Once that happens, we'll be subject to eugenic abortion.
And once that happens, the research on cure will virtually stop.
It's happened with other disorders, too. Down syndrome, notably. There's not that much research going on with curing DS now, not since they found out that they could test for it and abort before the child was born.
Autism Speaks isn't about helping autistic people. They aren't even really about curing autism. Their main goal is to make sure that autistic people no longer exist.
Yeah, I agree.
My family actually wants a cure for autism but we know Autism Speaks isn't going to help us.
It's ok to look for a cure for the disabled ones-but Autism Speaks doesn't focus on a way to cure those who are alive and have autism; they only look for a way to "kill" them before birth, which does not equal making the lives of those who are living with it easier.
Also not everyone with autism needs a cure. There are people like my father that have learned to deal with it in a way that makes them able to live every day regularly, just not like the average NT but still they can work, marry, etc. But of course this is subjective and a person that can do those things might still feel "defective" or sad about their condition and would rather be cured. In that case, it's a personal choise.
I support a cure because some people really need it, others really want it, and because maybe it'd make my life much more easier and I wouldn't feel like I have a f***ed up brain that can't do almost anything right.
But there's no way you can prevent my autism except killing me now, I don't want to be killed and killing unborn babies is not going to help me.
Also my decision on taking the cure would depend on the type of cure that was offered to me.
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And I'm very sure oliveoilmom was being facetious and you took her literally due to your own aspie nature.
Autism does not ruin lives, the ignorance of those interacting with autistics is what causes the problem combined with arrogant NTs thinking that everyone should be like them or they must be defective.
I still fail to see what is so exciting about having the ability to sit around discussing some sh***y gossip magazine stuff whilst actually learning nothing of any real value at all. Why should I aspire to be like this?
I just don't think NTs are very bright. They are brainwashed lemmings unable to see that they cultural beliefs they have been brainwashed with are nothing but an illusion and do not exist in objective reality. Their social rules are illogical, ignorant and a waste of time...they actually cause so much infighting and competition that i believe them to be highly ineffective as a result.
People say these social rules help them communicate but do they, really? Look at the state of the world out there. I don't see a bunch of people getting long well, I see people arguing over petty things, hurting each other because of the size of their ego, an obsession with social chit chat the point that people constantly make mistakes when working instead of concentrating on doing their job, obsession with social hierarchy to the point that is causes discrimination and prejudice.
Im sorry but their system is slowly failing them and they are just too ignorant to see it.
If people were less obssessed with dominance, hierarchy, ego, chit chat and emotion and were more rational, egalitarian and less egocentric the world would run much more smoothly.
Less chit chat about pointless gossip would help people do their job more efficiently as well.
Speak for yourself. Autism symptoms were ruining my life. Anxiety, audio sensory overload, inability to focus, deeply impaired executive functions, depression, lack of coordination & fine motor skills etc all added up to me not being able to work for the better part of 4 years and I had a pretty sh***y difficult time of life because of it. Having figured out what caused all of these symptoms and more, and how to deal with it, I'm now back to work full time plus & able to start working towards bigger and better goals in life, business, finance, friendships, relationships etc while social interactions are becoming intuitively easy vs. forced and unpleasant. There are benefits to Autism, like mathematical, problem solving, visual thinking etc benefits.. and I do hope some of those abilities stick around, but I am glad to be rid of (for the most part) the negative traits that were literally screwing my entire life into the ground. I'd way rather be able to work, support myself, have proper friendships and eventually a relationship, and in general be happy and healthy than EVER have my Autistic traits return to the severity I experienced over the last handful of years.
It's not NT's who have a problem interacting with Autistics. By definition, it's Autistics who have difficulty interacting with everyone else.
Being more NT doesn't mean people spend their time and energy on gossip magazines. what an absurd assumption.
Some NT's are bright, some aren't. Same for Autistics and every other neuro-type out there. Stereotyping the vast majority of the world's population as dimly lit lemmings isn't very nice. Sure, there are a lot of sheople out there that are brainwashed lemmings trapped in the 9-5 slavery of work and corporate worship and rampant consumerism.. but that doesn't mean everyone's an idiot if they're not on the Autism spectrum. Get real.
Social rules & intuition do help people communicate. As these things become easier and easier and ever more natural for me, I'm realizing the value of them. I used to be so frustrated with social BS interfering with getting work done. I figured productivity above all else is what should matter in the workplace. But the more I change and improve, the more I learn and realize I was dead wrong. No one cares if you're the fastest or best at performing a work process if you're a miserable son of a b***h to be around. They, and now I, would rather work harder and smarter to pick up the slack for someone else who isn't an all-star at their job if that person is such an amazingly positive social fit that they just make the whole day so much brighter for everyone. It doesn't make sense by the numbers on paper, but in reality is truly is the way the way the world works.
There are a lot of things about systems that aren't logical or sustainable, and once those systems do fail they'll be reworked, improved, and the world will carry on just fine. It's sad and unfortunate that people can't see the flaws in systems before they come to a head and the whole thing implodes.. but again, it seems to be the way of the world to do nothing until something has to be done. Ah well, maybe in time people will learn - but I'm not going to hold my breath or lose any sleep over it. If people change and become more proactive, excellent. If they don't, life will still go on.
Perhaps, but some people are obsessed with ego & hierarchy status. It's always been that way. Not everyone is, but many. It's our job as individuals to figure out how to slot ourselves into the ways of the world and work within the system. No, I'm not suggesting that everyone be a conformist.. just acknowledge the hierarchies that exist and do your best to be yourself and do your thing while acknowledging that there are various hierarchies in operation all around you. That doesn't mean accepting your place as at the bottom of a hierarchy, as some inferior person. But just realize these systems exist and are in place and that whatever you do you'll be able to do it a lot better and get on a lot easier in life by accepting that there are these sorts of systems in operation all around you. Still go ahead and break the rules and be free by all means, as rules were meant to be broken.. but getting upset at the fact that hierarchies exist won't do a damned thing to make them disappear.
Sounds like you've spent some time around some braindead people if they spend their time gossiping about useless BS. Get out there and meet different people. The world is a big place and there are truly a lot of wonderful people to meet and experiences to have.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
Autism involves limitations. Many would prefer to not have those limitations.
Not even officially on the spectrum yet, I can see so plainly that other people know how to form friendships/relationships that are far better interwoven and deeper than anything I can form. It's a total mystery to me how they do it. I can see it, but can't see how it's done. This is distressing. A piece of my brain isn't working the way it should. I want what I can't have. Call me greedy, but I'm human and I'd like to really live like one.
I've apparently developed coping mechanisms and do better now than when I was younger, but that doesn't change the differences I can see between myself and other people. It's like putting on a coat. It keeps you going, but that doesn't change the fact the weather is COLD.
I'd rather be where it's warm and I don't need to put a coat on. I'd rather not need to use coping tactics to try and "'pass" as NT. I'd prefer having it all happen naturally and completely. Not cobbled together with mis-shapen parts and pieces obviously still missing.
To me. It seems like about 99% of the problems that people have here on WrongPlanet are some kind of social interaction issues, especially when it comes to AS/NT interactions. It's just a guess but I think are problem is more on the grounds of discrimination then something being wrong with us. Just like the Gay rights of the 90's and the Negro rights of the 60's. I think we need an Autism rights movement. Just like what the Gays had to to in the 90's. We need to fight for are right to have are Autistic lifestyle and to do so without discrimination. That's just my opinion but I think a lot of you would agree.
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I don't mean to sound rude, but as a gay man.. I think that's nucking futs.
what rights are you intending to campaign for? The right to misinterpret social cues and accidentally piss people off? Personally, I'd way rather eliminate the traits that cause me to misinterpret things in the first place and get along better with the entire world as a whole - and that's why, especially based on my personal experiences the last several months which I've shared here on wp, I support Autism Speaks' efforts in this general direction. Life is becoming so much better and easier without the hinderance of strong Autistic traits screwing with my ability to interact with others and the world at large. I'd way rather work hard at improving my abilities to interpret social cues than campaign for my right to mess up and be tolerated for it.
On that note, if that's the sort of rights you'd campaign for (I may be making an incorrect assumption) then I find it a bit offensive that you're comparing them to gay rights, racial & other human rights. They're apples to oranges. I fully get and support that people should be more tolerant and accepting of others' differences, but I just think it's downright silly to compare Autistic rights to those of blacks or gays who have been literally hunted and murdered for being born the way they are. Further, it almost sounds like you'd prefer others to accept your shortcomings and blunders with open arms vs. work on improving them and yourself so that you don't tend to do the things that annoy and frustrate others so much. Sure, it's more work to change and correct habits and perceptions, actions, reactions, interactions etc.. but nothing worth doing is easy. whether it's done via practice practice practice makes perfect, or counselling, or reading, or watching videos.. learning and changing however you learn and change best, it doesn't really matter. I just think it's more worth making an effort to fit in than throwing in the towel and saying "f**k it, the world should just accept me as I am even if I tend to screw up and piss them off," because the world is a very social place and isn't ever going to be likely to just accept social screw-ups with open arms. People's reactions to them will always be intuitive and reactionary, they're going to be confused, offended, annoyed etc, so IMO it truly is optimal to try to prevent the social interaction mistakes in the first place.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
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just in case some of you may not have seen the page yet:
And you're saying that Autistic people weren't hunted and murdered for being born the way they are.
I think its more of a "meet me half way" thing. After all. I know of some people who are gay and when there in the locker room. I know they fantasize a lot in there but I expect them to be respectful of other and to suppress the urge to have an erection in front of everybody.
The problem for me is trying to get a job. Because of my autism. I can't get pass the interview and resume process. Not that I have a problem with that process in general. It's just too damn NT biased. There too much judging the book by it cover. After all. Why should my qualifications for a job be based on how well I make a handshake.
Last edited by LupaLuna on 24 Dec 2013, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And I'm very sure oliveoilmom was being facetious and you took her literally due to your own aspie nature.
Autism does not ruin lives, the ignorance of those interacting with autistics is what causes the problem combined with arrogant NTs thinking that everyone should be like them or they must be defective.
I still fail to see what is so exciting about having the ability to sit around discussing some sh***y gossip magazine stuff whilst actually learning nothing of any real value at all. Why should I aspire to be like this?
I just don't think NTs are very bright. They are brainwashed lemmings unable to see that they cultural beliefs they have been brainwashed with are nothing but an illusion and do not exist in objective reality. Their social rules are illogical, ignorant and a waste of time...they actually cause so much infighting and competition that i believe them to be highly ineffective as a result.
People say these social rules help them communicate but do they, really? Look at the state of the world out there. I don't see a bunch of people getting long well, I see people arguing over petty things, hurting each other because of the size of their ego, an obsession with social chit chat the point that people constantly make mistakes when working instead of concentrating on doing their job, obsession with social hierarchy to the point that is causes discrimination and prejudice.
Im sorry but their system is slowly failing them and they are just too ignorant to see it.
If people were less obssessed with dominance, hierarchy, ego, chit chat and emotion and were more rational, egalitarian and less egocentric the world would run much more smoothly.
Less chit chat about pointless gossip would help people do their job more efficiently as well.
Speak for yourself. Autism symptoms were ruining my life. Anxiety, audio sensory overload, inability to focus, deeply impaired executive functions, depression, lack of coordination & fine motor skills etc all added up to me not being able to work for the better part of 4 years and I had a pretty sh***y difficult time of life because of it. Having figured out what caused all of these symptoms and more, and how to deal with it, I'm now back to work full time plus & able to start working towards bigger and better goals in life, business, finance, friendships, relationships etc while social interactions are becoming intuitively easy vs. forced and unpleasant. There are benefits to Autism, like mathematical, problem solving, visual thinking etc benefits.. and I do hope some of those abilities stick around, but I am glad to be rid of (for the most part) the negative traits that were literally screwing my entire life into the ground. I'd way rather be able to work, support myself, have proper friendships and eventually a relationship, and in general be happy and healthy than EVER have my Autistic traits return to the severity I experienced over the last handful of years.
It's not NT's who have a problem interacting with Autistics. By definition, it's Autistics who have difficulty interacting with everyone else.
Being more NT doesn't mean people spend their time and energy on gossip magazines. what an absurd assumption.
Some NT's are bright, some aren't. Same for Autistics and every other neuro-type out there. Stereotyping the vast majority of the world's population as dimly lit lemmings isn't very nice. Sure, there are a lot of sheople out there that are brainwashed lemmings trapped in the 9-5 slavery of work and corporate worship and rampant consumerism.. but that doesn't mean everyone's an idiot if they're not on the Autism spectrum. Get real.
Social rules & intuition do help people communicate. As these things become easier and easier and ever more natural for me, I'm realizing the value of them. I used to be so frustrated with social BS interfering with getting work done. I figured productivity above all else is what should matter in the workplace. But the more I change and improve, the more I learn and realize I was dead wrong. No one cares if you're the fastest or best at performing a work process if you're a miserable son of a b***h to be around. They, and now I, would rather work harder and smarter to pick up the slack for someone else who isn't an all-star at their job if that person is such an amazingly positive social fit that they just make the whole day so much brighter for everyone. It doesn't make sense by the numbers on paper, but in reality is truly is the way the way the world works.
There are a lot of things about systems that aren't logical or sustainable, and once those systems do fail they'll be reworked, improved, and the world will carry on just fine. It's sad and unfortunate that people can't see the flaws in systems before they come to a head and the whole thing implodes.. but again, it seems to be the way of the world to do nothing until something has to be done. Ah well, maybe in time people will learn - but I'm not going to hold my breath or lose any sleep over it. If people change and become more proactive, excellent. If they don't, life will still go on.
Perhaps, but some people are obsessed with ego & hierarchy status. It's always been that way. Not everyone is, but many. It's our job as individuals to figure out how to slot ourselves into the ways of the world and work within the system. No, I'm not suggesting that everyone be a conformist.. just acknowledge the hierarchies that exist and do your best to be yourself and do your thing while acknowledging that there are various hierarchies in operation all around you. That doesn't mean accepting your place as at the bottom of a hierarchy, as some inferior person. But just realize these systems exist and are in place and that whatever you do you'll be able to do it a lot better and get on a lot easier in life by accepting that there are these sorts of systems in operation all around you. Still go ahead and break the rules and be free by all means, as rules were meant to be broken.. but getting upset at the fact that hierarchies exist won't do a damned thing to make them disappear.
Sounds like you've spent some time around some braindead people if they spend their time gossiping about useless BS. Get out there and meet different people. The world is a big place and there are truly a lot of wonderful people to meet and experiences to have.
Well I did say there were exceptions.
I personally don't consider my traits to be a disability...why?
I could get A grades in academic exams without having to revise
I am a rational person most of the time when not under attack by people.
I am a peaceful soul when not under attack by people. I will go out of my way to help people actually. I wanted to make the world a better place and believe that no one should suffer despite their neurotypicality.
I don't break the law, etc. I have harmed no one in my life.
I do need more alone time than most but I don't feel this is a crime of any kind.
I am a very loving person
I am fair minded
I am open minded in regards to most things except those that hurt others
I do have sensitivities but I don't let them stop me from doing what I want (even if I don have to cut things short sometimes)
Personally, i may take a while to decide how to go about doing things (indecisive) but I don't have learning disabilities as such.
I am not sure if I have an ASD. I certainly have traits of it, but it does not disable me in any way other than socially and I do not care for most social interaction anyway. I was always very bright and able to learn faster than most. Whatever the cause of that I would not wish it away. It allows me to see the world in ways others do not...
I was always told by lecturers at college that I had a tendency to see things other people missed, to make connections they did not. I would not wish that away either.
I am a sensitive soul who wanted to help others..not something I would wish away also.
I am clumsy sometimes but can control my hands enough to do fine art work...this was not always so as a child but is so now, so again would not wish that away too.
Other than people bullying me I don't see the negatives to my condition.
I am brighter than average
I make connections others do not make
I am advnenturous and wish to live life to the full
I have sensitivities but am willing to push through them to do the things I want
I can love more deeply than most
I feel in a way that most dont, more deeply
I can perceive the world in ways most dont
To me things are relative and not absolute
I live in a world of shades of grey and multicolour]
I had advanced moral and intellectual development growing up
I am loyal
I am sensitive
I am honest
I am open minded
I care about the state of human kind and fair treatment
and so on
why would I see those as a disability just because i get a hard time from vicious people because I am different?
If it were not for nasty people I would have no disability. I can learn anything I want.
I am pretty sure that finding it difficult to impossible to breathe because of exposure to an allergen counts as a whole lot of difficulty.
Good point. If I had a peanut allergy, though, I think I'd find it easier to avoid peanuts than I do to avoid people and sensory trouble now.
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I
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I am pretty sure that finding it difficult to impossible to breathe because of exposure to an allergen counts as a whole lot of difficulty.
Good point. If I had a peanut allergy, though, I think I'd find it easier to avoid peanuts than I do to avoid people and sensory trouble now.
Perhaps. OTOH I have seen people mock the idea of making a school peanut-free to accommodate a student who is allergic to peanuts. Like, they think that allergy means the student should just be home schooled and not be allowed into public schools. It is a very common thing for people to not take allergies seriously, to assume people who have them are fakers, and in some cases, to deliberately expose people to dangerous-to-them allergens to prove they're fakers. I know of a couple of people to whom this happened that ended up going to the ER because the reactions were so dangerous.
But I mean, there are many allergies. A lot of them. I know someone who basically has an allergic reaction to neurotransmitters that causes (among other things) symptoms similar to autism. I mean, he has an allergic reaction to neurotransmitters his own body produces. How does he avoid those?
I just mean it's not always that great to make comparisons like this. Often, they don't bear out in the real world.
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what rights are you intending to campaign for? The right to misinterpret social cues and accidentally piss people off? Personally, I'd way rather eliminate the traits that cause me to misinterpret things in the first place and get along better with the entire world as a whole - and that's why, especially based on my personal experiences the last several months which I've shared here on wp, I support Autism Speaks' efforts in this general direction. Life is becoming so much better and easier without the hinderance of strong Autistic traits screwing with my ability to interact with others and the world at large. I'd way rather work hard at improving my abilities to interpret social cues than campaign for my right to mess up and be tolerated for it.
Here's something to read: ... disability
I think it's downright offensive for you to invoke your status as a gay man to cordon other people off from activism to improve their lives. As a queer agender dyke who is one of many who are basically sick of white cisgender gay men trying to own and control LGBT rights activism, I don't really think that you get to make these determinations.
Also, you may have failed to notice, but there's kind of a thing where parents and caregivers murder their autistic children and charges. It's not the same thing as lynching, and it's not the same thing as what happened to Matthew Shepard, but it is still a thing that happens and shouldn't be ignored or brushed aside.
Also, a significant number of so-called "gay men" whom Gay Inc. claims to prove violence against LGBT people are trans women of color, who experience significantly higher degrees of violence than most any other demographic. So, a lot of that violence you're claiming as belonging to "gay men" isn't really about men of any kind.
This is you projecting.
Seriously, though, attempting to invoke your status as a gay man to shut down other people's struggles is terrible. Don't do it. The world doesn't revolve around you and what you deem to be your needs, especially when you see those needs as existing to the exclusion of others' needs.
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Posts: 11,447
Location: About 50 miles past the middle of nowhere
Being neurotypical wouldn't make me not be myself. I'm not defined by AS, so if there were a cure for AS and I took it and I didn't have AS any longer, I would still be me. I would still love the people I love now, and hate the ones I hate now. I would still hold my same religious beliefs and political opinions, I would still love garlic and hate drinking milk. I would know how to crochet, how to drive a stick shift, how to bake bread. My dog would still recognize my scent. I would still be the wife to my husband and the mother to my children and the grandmother to my grandbaby. I'd still care about my friends, I'd still take pride in taking care of my family and home, I'd still be unemployed. I'd still have to dye my hair because the roots come in grey, I'd still worry about finding the right wrinkle cream so my face won't sag, I'd still be losing my hair in the front, I'd still be going through menopause. I wouldn't automatically grow my appendix or my tonsils back, I wouldn't wake up with a sudden urge to coach Cheer, I wouldn't develop a craving for ice cream and I wouldn't start crying when my husband and I argue. I wouldn't be accepted into the Junior League, I wouldn't be asked to judge the elementary school pageant, I wouldn't be called on to sponsor a homecoming float, I wouldn't be picked as a mentor to a future Miss Alabama. I wouldn't forget that I had been treated horribly and bullied as a child, I wouldn't be cured of depression, I wouldn't lose my phobia of riding in cars and being out in bad weather, or of heights or slugs. My legs would still be great, I still wouldn't have a butt, I'd still have a flat stomach and no boobs, and I'd still have the self esteem problems I do now. I wouldn't be teleported to a mostly glass house on a California beach where when I'm not teaching aerobics to swimsuit models, I take waterskiing lessons and do origami to send to Third World Countries so they too can understand the beauty of "A Thousand Cranes". I wouldn't stop liking Jodie Picoult books, Stephen King, Rumer Godden, Marrion Zimmer Bradley, or Dominick Dunne, and I wouldn't suddenly like that last, horrible book of his. I'd still like nonfiction. I'd still like Van Halen. I would still never have been to NYC and would still want to go. And Paris. And Palermo, Sicily. I'd still be me, I'd still have this body and this mind, with all it's likes and dislikes, loves and hates, beliefs and superstitions. I'd still have my family and love them and still be right where I am right now, doing exactly what I'm doing right now, except I might just be a little quicker on the uptake, able to handle some situations and stress easier, able to catch subtle hints and to see the big picture instead of focusing only one the one little aspect that engulfs my interest at that particular moment. I'd probably be able to control my temper better and not blurt things out that I shouldn't. Those last things that would change don't make me who I am. The things that would stay the same make me who I am. If you are so fully defined by your limitations that this so called "gift" of autism has given you, then it's no wonder you are against a cure and think it would change you. If the only thing about you that makes you "you" are your deficits, then it's no wonder that your sense of 'self ' would be gone if they were removed. Someone who feels that they are only who they are because of the autism, and not just in spite of it, can't see the forest for the broken limbs on some of it's trees.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA.
The link to the forum is
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