dianthus wrote:
I don't know if it's autism. Maybe it's my ADHD, or maybe I have SPD or something else entirely. I just feel like everything rubs my nerves raw. Mostly sounds, lights, and other people. Especially other people. Things irritate me to the point where I feel like bashing my head in. I feel like the wires in my brain are crossed up wrong somehow and it short circuits my entire nervous system. My body overheats too easily. If it's not autism, I'm scared to find out what else it might be.
Ah this is why it can be better to stay in your own world sometimes. In my inner world it's all warm and accepting and I can find lots of things I love and enjoy such as the pleasure I feel when I indulge my hobbies and whilst I am there everything is lovely, especially as I live alone and can mold my environment to suit myself in many ways.
The only downside is that it gets lonely some days, especially when I find myself desiring a little intimacy, and to ease that loneliness and make contact with people I have to pop out of my world and interact with others...that is where the problems begin, with outside interaction.
I am just dandy when I am pottering around in Bumble land most of the time, especially as I don't always judge in the same way as society does (I still don't understand fully what this whole worthless thing feels like and how a person can be worthless to begin with..it seems an odd way to measure or quantify the process of life). Its when I have to come out of bumble land and deal with social politics, social cues, noise, chemicals, clothes that irritate, peoples demands that be this that or the other and so on.
Too much, usually want to head back into bumble land again, whether I am in company or not.