Schneekugel wrote:
I think what you should take in mind, is that the sensitivity for the different tastes (sweet, bitter, salty...) changes scientifically proved when getting older. So even when actually disliking something, it does not mean not to give it a chance every few years. As a younger one until teenie years, even the smell of olives was horrible for me. However, when I tried some with age 28 again, they suddenly tasted really interesting. While as a younger one they simply tasted overwhelming bitter for me, and beside of an gigantic "buah.." I could not taste anything about them, the bitter note is now much more sensitive and I can taste now very different flavors in them. Its quiet similar to coffee or beer, around here its pretty usual to let your kids have a sip once on an coffee or an beer, because naturally for kids they simply taste horribly bitter, and they wont have the intenste to taste them again for some years. XD
Me and friends of mine as well tested out of fun once, certain sweeties and candies, that we loved as very small some of them were now really horrible intense sweet now. XD
Heh, tell me about it. When I was younger I loved Pizza Pops and Chef Boyardi, nowadays I find that they're fairly bland unless you dose them with a good amount of hot sauce, or melted cheese. Actually, for whatever reason, I find that I rather enjoy eating Chef Boyardi cold straight from the can, but it has more to do with the slobbish, hedonistic thrill of it than anything else.