daydreamer84 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
I am a singletasker.
Me too. I'm always amazed at people's capacity to multi-task. Occasionally I can go on the Internet and play a game while the T.V is on but that usually becomes too much for me and I must choose one or the other. I can play a couple of songs on a repeating loop playlist while posting on this site or playing sudoku (that's my game right now). That's the extent of my multi-tasking. If I'm reading or writing I need to just focus on that, can't do anything else at the same time and for a long time I was reading 5 to 7 hours a day/night, every day/night. So, I'm not a bad reader with too little practice, I'm an avid reader and I love it (it's not really an obsessive interest any-more

but I still love it) and yet it requires all of my attention for some reason. A lot of times I read whole books out-loud to myself to drown out the little noises around me and focus on the words or if I'm writing I sometimes say what I'm thinking/writing out loud. My mum can read and watch T.V at the same time which is amazing to me as is the apparent ability of some of my classmates to listen and take notes while playing a game on their computers or going on facebook. Sometimes I'll see/hear someone beside me close a chat window or facebook and write a note at exactly the right time, when the professor says something important or says "this will be on the exam". They're not drowning out the whole lecture, they're paying just enough attention so they can tune back in when they need to which seems like a super-human ability to me.
for me its not doing many things at once, its like stiming and the sort of the opposite of sencerary witb you being the one in control due to over load if done correctly, athough if I don't do it correctly it could cause overlad and it doesn't always work but when it does its wonderful and happy and the feeling you get while stimming
also I cant multi task while reading only while playing a game or on the internet or something similar
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Last edited by jenisautistic on 22 Feb 2014, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.