ImAnAspie wrote:
linatet wrote:
I would say it is a mixture.
If I am not talking to the person and the person is not paying attention to me I stare.
Yes, me too.
I tend to stare like this as well. I always thought it went unnoticed until one day, my (ex-)partner (who was sitting next to me) said "Why are you staring at 'whoever the stranger was' I was staring at.
I like to sit in shopping centres and observe peoples' behaviour. Humans are strange creatures
yeesssss! totally identify.
I stare at people because I don't understand much of what they do so I gather information about them observing.
When I was 8 yo I stared too much so my mother taught me not to do it and I thought I had stopped. Until some days ago I asked my friends how people viewed me and one of the things they said is that everyone notices I stare at people and that it makes me weirdER and is creepy.
I didn't realize I was doing it either, I could swear I was making appropriate eye contact but go figure.
yes humans are damn strange and for me, fascinating.