StarsInMyMargarita wrote:
I was thinking about this after a customer at work yelled at me. He completely misunderstood, and as he was screaming I knew what point I had to make to make him stop, but I just didn't know how to say it. So he got away with screaming at me like I was an idiot. It's very frustrating.
I also find it's easier to write out, maybe because I don't have to try to remember what I've already said. Maybe because I'm not overwhelmed and rushed, so there's more time for thoughts to "translate." But since I don't get a reaction like I would if I were talking to someone, I have no idea how much of it actually makes sense. I have to read through it a couple times to completely untangle it.
If I try to just babble it out to myself, there's a lot of silence and "ums" and correcting and repeating. I've never listened to a recording, so I don't know if I make my point or not.
Yeah, and it is annoying as heck.
That is the price for being a full fledged loner aspie.
I once stand in a line before a cash machine and a dude confused position in line with line and jumped my queue. His flimsy excuse was that everybody did it that way. I failed to trounce him for that.
The only way around is to try to think in people/what's best for the group mentality. And wanting to become a part of the group.
You don't have to try to fit in the kkk kiddie group to communicate with them if prefered. Adopting someone's stupidity is not the way to go.
If there is any non-conformistic not whining aspie out there whose self worth is independend from the NT view. Let's get to know each other.
Last edited by MOWHAWK1982 on 19 May 2014, 6:55 am, edited 2 times in total.