...When I was 20 I was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital by my alchoholic parents (In one of two U.S. states where the legal threshold for ic'ing someone is lower than the other 48 ~ It is easier to commit someone in those two , I mean .) , and stuffed full of Thorazine , Mellaril
...........Later , out , I was at my mother's ~ She pestered me to start going toa program , eventually (1985?) , I did , I wasgo ~ And then , thogh I was going she threw me ou and made me homelss anyway
! !! !! !! !! !!
Basically , since then I've been homeless/near-homeless/" culturally " homeless ~ (Some exceptions , notably late 80s/early 90) ~ I kind of - somethimes - feel it's nearaing the end - even as , admittedly , I had a temporary respite with this nursing home stay (Whoo ! Really young and actiive , heh ??? It's nearing an end/I'm likely getting shown the door soon , anyway , and they have given up on really trying to save my toe
.) .
I'd like to try to go back to college (Which I never really did (I did it in a half-assed , no accomplishments way briefly .) , but , even like far lesser attempts by me to get help (Like , trying to improve my technology skill , which I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP WITH