It's been deleted, so it shouldn't (shouldn't) really matter. Basically the poster was arguing with others and just being spiteful, so I tried to reason with them as carefully as possible and that's how they reacted in the end. I have extreme anxiety issues. It took me 10+ minutes just for my heart to stop racing.
They were pleasant/indifferent to me in the past, but I've now lost all respect for that poster. I don't respect anyone who tells someone to '____ off'. I don't think that's how you talk to a sixteen-year-old or anyone for that matter. Grown adults should know better than that.
You honestly can't know what kind of effect that has on someone. It was extremely distressing to me, as I found it quite hateful.
QFT, every one has responsibility for their own words and whilst they are compiling a post they really need to think about the consequences on others of what they write.
the pressure shoudnt be on targets of abuse to comply and ignore it, the pressure shoud be on the people who abuse others.
am sure many people here are aware of the severe cyberbullying had personaly experienced by one member of WP over several years because was unable to communicate it to those around self, finaly ended up detained for four months in a intelectual disability acute hospital and lost the longest residential home placement had ever had because his abuse had been the fuel for extreme challenging behavior of mine.
people need to take more responsibility instead of victim blaming,so what if someone is more vulnerable to abuse; we all have a right to use a support forum without the threat of some idiot thinking he can mouth off without consequence because its 'the internet' and not 'real life',theres a real life behind every internet connection,they need to think about that before abusing or bullying someone.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!