skibum wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
I'll watch that when I get the chance. It would be good for me to know a bit about epistemology.
skibum wrote:
I'm not. Not even smarter than a philodendron. I had to look that word up actually!

That doesn't make you dumb. That's called research. Some people don't bother to look up things they don't know about. Some people are either content to go on not knowing or already think they know everything.

I was just making fun actually.
Once again I demonstrate my proclivity to take things literally
Norny wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
I intend for this thread to espouse autistic-supremism.
I don't support belief of supremacy.
Oh Crap! I mean to say "I
didn't intend for this thread to espouse autistic-supremism"
I always knew my big mouth would get me into trouble one day
I wasn't even if trying to say aspies are smarter. I was trying find out
if aspies are smarter.
I want to reach a conclusion that supports the available evidence,
not cherry pick evidence to support a predetermined conclusion.
abdi2 wrote:
IQ are overrated
I asked if aspies are smarter, not if aspies score higher in IQ tests.
LupaLuna wrote:
Here my scope/hypothesis on the smarter aspie brain thing. I am considered an electronics genius by most people and have no problem running circles around people who have a Ph.D in that field. But I don't think that the reason I'am so good at it is because I have a "so called" smarter brain. But because I spend long hours practicing it. Electrical engineering is an obsessive hobby of my and I tend to put long hours in to it (about 50 hours a week.). After all. I don't have a job and I don't have a social life. So while most people (NT's) are doing there day job or going to the bar and having a drink . I am at home working on a project. So my point is is that I don't think we have a superior intellectual brain in and of itself, but that we spent more time studding and practicing are crafts because we don't have the daily/social distractions that NT's do.
Yep. That sounds like a plausible explanation for the apparent smarts displayed by some aspies.
The ones I know in meatspace who don't seem so bright, maybe they just got obsessed with the wrong things.
They're still experts in their interests but those aren't areas traditionally associated with smarts.
BuyerBeware wrote:
By that measure, I imagine there are plenty of people who are academically quick, or technically gifted, or walking encyclopedias, who still aren't very smart...
True. I've met people who did very well academically and yet were not even slightly aware of their own hypocracy.
If IQ tests are an inaccurate measure of intelligence, does that mean exams are too? If they pass the exams does that mean they truly understand the subject or just that they studied for the test? Does it mean they know about the field or that they can think of new solutions within it. A talent for rote learning doesn't indicate a talent for problem solving.
Tollorin wrote:
A very intelligent person with a lack of wisdom is able to put a lot of thought in his ideas and explore things very deeply only to reach a wrong conclusion.
I think I get it. You mean such a person would make a good devil's advocate. If they won the debate it would prove they would the best debater, not prove that they were right.
The thing that disturbs me is that if someone can be wrong and win the debate, then what is to stop the same thing from happening within people's own thoughts? If someone doesn't want to see a harsh truth, what is to stop them from coming up with a seemingly intelligent way to dismiss them without being aware of their own bias?
Sometimes I struggle with that myself. When I have to make a difficult choice and after I reach a decisions I think "what if I'm biased" so I switch sides and justify the other choice and then I think "what if I'm biased".
If we all have different strengths then being decisive isn't one of mine.
The days are long, but the years are short