I absolutely LOVE water!! ! I love walking in rain!! ! I love being in, around, and under water!! ! I learned to swim when I was a kid, and you just couldn't get me outta there. When I went snorkeling in Jamaica, I coulda stayed down there for the rest of my life!! ! I love being on boats, and other water equipment. I love water games (I'd do water sports too, if I weren't so uncoordinated). I love lakes, ponds, puddles, pools, oceans----I don't know which is more mesmerizing, to look at: the ocean, the mountains, or a fireplace!! !
The only time I have the slightest problem with water, is first thing in the morning. I don't wanna look at it, I don't want it touching me, and I don't wanna drink it!! It's all I can do to make coffee cuz I have to watch it come out of the sink!! ! Other than that, I drink bottles of water, ALL DAY!! !
P.S. skibum: I'm sorry you had such a hard time with that little girl drowning. ((((cyber hugs)))) I know you said you're over it, but I'm sorry you ever had to endure it!! !