Actually, I am not sure where the original poster is from, but I know that in most western countries, eye contact is a sign of honesty. When I don't make eye contact, others assume I am dishonest/lying/shady/hiding something
Since other cultures do not make eye contact, it is not a universally harmful or disabling thing. It's a cultural difference. In Indian, Melanesian and Autistic cultures, people don't do direct eye contact.
Autistic people don't fit in with the culture around them. I'm sure Autistic people in Melanesia and India face different challenges to autistics in the west.
If someone has an issue with you not giving eye contact, simply say to them "I'm autistic and I find direct eye contact uncomfortable" if they continue to have an issue, then they are no better than racists and bigots.
My advice to you folks on the thread, if eye contact makes you uncomfortable, don't do it. The harm caused to you by looking a neurotypical in the eye is greater than the harm caused to a neurotypical by not looking you in the eye.