Ragtime wrote:
This may very well be an AS thing... Although I've told the truth 99% of the time since I was a small child, I've always looked like I'm lying, merely because I'm concentrating so hard to appear NT in the delivery, that I look like I'm hiding someone. It'd be a good way to win bets: "I'll bet you $100 I'm telling the truth." "It's so obvious you're lying!" ...Whatever...
I still remember when I told someone I never told a lie, and they didn't believe me. I don't even want to say the age, because I WAS fairly old, and it HAS been a long time.
Unfortunately, people INSIST on an answer! My boss, don't ask me why, sometimes tries to tell me that he has my best interest at heart, never lied to me, etc.... Even though we BOTH(he and I) know that he did tell me lies(I could actually point out instances), and doesn't have my best interest at heart. And those are only lies where he KNOWS I know. I know of many others.(Some overheard, some related, some pieced together) My father and Mother were the same way. Yet you don't DARE contradict them, or they get annoyed, etc... The old how do I look, etc... ALSO gets in the way. Frankly, if I didn't tell little white lies, people would be REALLY annoyed with me. MOST of the time because of opinions they asked for, or to avoid misunderstandings I know they'll have if I tell the truth, etc...
BTW I STILL try to avoid lies, don't tell many, etc... I even told the truth at times when I thought it would hurt me badly.