When I was growing-up, I always LOVED / wanted kids----even, up into my 30s----even had names picked-out----now, NO WAY!! I'm too old (as in, too tired). If I thought about it, I could regret not having children. I'm not that fond of children, really, anymore; but, maybe it's because children, nowadays, are such horrible----HORRIBLE----people!! I mean, come-on.... Is it really that difficult to say "please" and "thankyou", or give-up your seat on the bus, to an elderly person????
Note: I'm making a generalization. I know not ALL kids are like this, but I live in a MAJOR metropolitan area, and the kids here, leave ALOT to be desired!!
I agree with the people who say "children should be seen and not heard" (when in public, for instance)----I also subscribe to "spare the rod, spoil the child"----I also believe that's when society started going down-hill. I understand that thinking is generational; but, I've read several things lately saying that people are starting to go back to that way of thinking. DISCIPLINE, not ABUSE----and, CONSISTANCY is EVERYTHING, IMO.