I made my first conscious suicide attempt when I was three and a half years of age. I was born in 1945, six months before the end of the Second World War, to very religious, 'Born Again Christian' parents, who were conscientious objectors to war, who were therefore under 'house arrest' and had to work long hours in 'reserved industries' so the police would always know where to find them, if they ever needed to, for any reason. It meant being deeply hated. Because they had to work long hours in reserved occupations, we lived with my mother's maternal grandfather, who was a widower and retired, and therefore my constant waking companion, six days a week, fifty two weeks a year, from when I was three days old, until my suicide attempt, which was with him, because all I did was imitate what he did. although I knew full well, that it was a suicide attempt, to escape this life, and go to wherever you go when you die. In my world, at that time, the place we would have gone, would have been hell, because we would not deserve, to go to heaven, for doing that, as it was a sin, well, in the eyes of my parents, it was a sin, but not in the eyes of my fellow suicider, because he lived to a different set of beliefs to them, in which hell was reserved for fallen angels, not humans. In his belief system, all humans went to heaven when they die, unless it is not their turn to die, in which case, they simply get sent back here, to try to pick up the pieces, as best they can, and get on with living this life. The only problem with this arrangement is that if you or anyone else makes such a mess of your body and brain on your way out of it, or while you are away, and you cant get back in them and bring them back to life, your soul or spirit or whatever gets trapped in the membrane between life on earth and life in heaven, until it's time legitimately for you to die, and be allowed into heaven, if you can find your way back to the pearly gate, within the pitch blackness of the membrane. Our suicide attempt was by jumping off a bridge into a river. My chest went into severe asthma spasm as I hit the cold water, so I couldn't breathe any of the water in. But his didn' t and he took in a lot of raw sewage as the river was in flood. Although we were both rescued by lifeguards from the local park that the river ran alongside, and I therefore survived, he died a year later of complications caused by lung infections. I do not know if that is any indication that I had a strong personality at that age - but I don't think so, as I functioned in that incident as a follower rather than as a leader, but I was very head strong in that I had the choice of doing it or not doing it, and I did it, so in that sense, I exercised choice, which meant that I had a strong enough personality to do that.
adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.