Well, it's Christmas Eve here now, 9am on Wednesday 24th. I am a bit relieved about this, actually, as it means only one more day of potential upset due to the Christmas stuff, it's almost over! The presents are bought and wrapped, tomorrow will be cooking with my son's partner at their house (ham, turkey, the usual) - for her family and mine, and some of their/our friends - quite a tribe. I would rather be cooking than sitting around talking, and would rather eat a salad than the huge feast, this being the warm and humid New Zealand Summer, however expectations are what they are and the main thing is that the children enjoy the day in the ways they are looking forward to; for myself, I regard it as a bit of a hybrid day, a cross between an endurance test, an obstacle course and an adventure - you never quite know how it will go.
One of the traditional NZ Christmas desserts is a meringue type of cake which is served with fruit and cream on top, (about 25 million calories per slice) along with plum puddings, trifles, fruit mince pies - the last three are hangovers from the colonial era, the British brought these traditions with them in the 19th century; though these days things are starting to change a bit, you can serve anything as long as it is out of the everyday run of the mill things.
If the weather is sunny, a lot of people have barbeques or a picnic at the beach instead. Though in December here the weather these days can be very changeable and unpredictable, more so in the past decade, which is so true of many countries now.
Then, like the fairy tale, at the stroke of midnight it will all be over and there will be a respite period of 364 days before the re-run. I will have come home by then (I hope) crashing into bed with the new cat and breathing that long sigh of relief.