Support over Christmas period for WP members?

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23 Dec 2014, 11:22 am

Oh boy...sorry about the virus.

Do you have something that could "kill" the virus--like a Malware zapper kind of thing?


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23 Dec 2014, 11:25 am

This is a particularly depressing Christmas for me. given the crappy year I've had. But I'm fortunate to have some good family to spend time with. I hope everyone who is feeling blue during Christmas get through it in decent shape. Here's hoping the new year brings great fortune to all of us!

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky


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23 Dec 2014, 11:57 am

Well, telus has refused to give me the iPad without a deposit. Due to some late payments I have made. Fair enough. So it's me and my iPhone 4 for Christmas. Lol. I am going to take this as a sign that I am spending too much time online. I will embrace my Ludditeness.


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23 Dec 2014, 12:38 pm

I posted this in another section of the forum .... With the new layout, and using a smart phone, it is real easy to click on the "Report" button when just scrolling down with your thumb. There is no second screen to confirm that is what you really want to do.

I have done it twice.


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23 Dec 2014, 3:28 pm

Well, it's Christmas Eve here now, 9am on Wednesday 24th. I am a bit relieved about this, actually, as it means only one more day of potential upset due to the Christmas stuff, it's almost over! The presents are bought and wrapped, tomorrow will be cooking with my son's partner at their house (ham, turkey, the usual) - for her family and mine, and some of their/our friends - quite a tribe. I would rather be cooking than sitting around talking, and would rather eat a salad than the huge feast, this being the warm and humid New Zealand Summer, however expectations are what they are and the main thing is that the children enjoy the day in the ways they are looking forward to; for myself, I regard it as a bit of a hybrid day, a cross between an endurance test, an obstacle course and an adventure - you never quite know how it will go.

One of the traditional NZ Christmas desserts is a meringue type of cake which is served with fruit and cream on top, (about 25 million calories per slice) along with plum puddings, trifles, fruit mince pies - the last three are hangovers from the colonial era, the British brought these traditions with them in the 19th century; though these days things are starting to change a bit, you can serve anything as long as it is out of the everyday run of the mill things.

If the weather is sunny, a lot of people have barbeques or a picnic at the beach instead. Though in December here the weather these days can be very changeable and unpredictable, more so in the past decade, which is so true of many countries now.

Then, like the fairy tale, at the stroke of midnight it will all be over and there will be a respite period of 364 days before the re-run. I will have come home by then (I hope) crashing into bed with the new cat and breathing that long sigh of relief.


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23 Dec 2014, 4:08 pm

Here's some real support right here:

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky


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23 Dec 2014, 4:42 pm

B19, I believe you are a very thoughtful person, I hope you get to enjoy having the different generations of your family around you, Happy Christmas :heart:


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23 Dec 2014, 4:53 pm

Thanks Amity. Your message to me when I was in so much grief was one of the most touching parts of the year and the memory of it still warms and comforts me. Wishing you the things you wish on this coming Christmas Day too :heart:


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23 Dec 2014, 9:51 pm

If it is all getting to you and the pain is mounting, hope this provides some comfort:


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24 Dec 2014, 4:00 am

I don't know if children and 'ex' come over as agreed earlier, I'll stress all day, make dinner and when ignored ...? or if they show up I'll be so nervous from worrying & anxiety.


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24 Dec 2014, 4:14 am

Is there somehow you can contact them, text?, and ask what time you should expect them? Or say you are planning the meal tonight, what time would they like to eat? It's awful just waiting and wondering, so try to get some firm commitment from them about when they are coming. If they said they would come, then I would expect that to be honoured, especially during Christmas time, or if they are not coming, to give you plenty of notice so that you don't go to a lot of effort and expense for them, and so you can make some other arrangement, maybe visit someone you know who will be alone and take some food along? One way or another, work out a plan that will work for you. I hope they don't let you down. Please don't just sit and worry, it won't help clarify the situation, and it will just upset you (perhaps needlessly). May it all work out well for you.


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24 Dec 2014, 6:23 am

I hope so too, I try not to worry. Thanks for the support and have a nice time yourself ! :heart:


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24 Dec 2014, 8:59 am

err... stuff. everyone is beautiful.
never overlook anything. no matter how simple and silly. every life is beautiful ... 29741&q=hi


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24 Dec 2014, 6:12 pm

If you are dreading Christmas alone, I hope these suggestions lift your spirits tomorrow (if you are in the Northern Hemisphere):

1) Make a list of all the people and animals that have loved you. Spend a little time with each one, recalling and re-experiencing the wonder of their love and how it touched your life and heart. That love is their gift to you for the rest of your life.

2) Eat some of your favourite foods, listen to your favourite music, wear your favourite clothes, and celebrate you.

3) Make another list of the nicest things anyone ever said to you, that moved you deeply. These things will still be true.

4) Look for another creature to give some loving care to. This may be putting food out for the birds, whatever is available for you to share with.

5) Write a letter to yourself about the things you have achieved in your life, and recognize the courage and
kindness in your heart. Include everything - being a good friend, helping someone in need, volunteering, painting a beautiful picture, fixing something.. everything.

6) Indulge in some creature comfort: a long bath with aromatic oils; using the stuff you might only keep for "best". Treat yourself as the best..

7) Phone people who you love and wish them peace joy and love - even if they are distant from you now. acknowledge their past importance to your life. (However leave out old girlfriends and boyfriends who are in new relationships).

8) Remember that you matter to your buddies on Wrong Planet, and send PMs to the ones you feel close to

9) Plan a dream that you will aim for in 2015, step by step - and visualise yourself moving through all those steps to the wonderful achievement you planned on Christmas Day 2014. Plan how you will celebrate the achievement.

10) Spend a few moments enjoying nature, in whatever form you can.

11) Remember that for all the awful things, this is still a beautiful world, there are still good people, and there is always hope for the future, even when you can't see or connect with it.

12) Bake some cookies or a cake and deliver it to a homeless shelter

13) Make a donation to your favourite cause - animals or whatever

14) If you have addictions problems, show up at a 12 step meeting (there are always meets on Christmas Day) - the relevant NA or AA websites give you times and places and contact numbers if you want to phone first and see if anyone could help with transport if you need it. Plan this in advance. Even if you have never been to a meeting before, you will be made welcome with sincerity.

15) If grief for loved ones who have passed on overwhelms you, phone a helpline for some grief support and just to discuss how that feels, or post online. Often it is at Christmas that past losses hit the hardest. Be prepared for this.

16) Make contact with anyone you know who has had a major loss in the past 3 months - and tell them you are thinking of them and you know that it can be very hard to face that first Christmas alone without the person or animal they have lost, so you hope that there will be some special things to brighten their day.

Please post more if you think of other suggestions to add to mine.

All the best for Christmas Day. Peace be with you.


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24 Dec 2014, 6:32 pm

An excellent basis for getting rid of the Holiday Blues!

And useful for other people as well.

Makes the day go fast! Before you know it, it's the 26th--no more Holiday Crap!


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24 Dec 2014, 7:26 pm

It is harder than usual for me because I have severe PMT as well, so every little thing is triggering me to tears or to want to claw myself. I also really struggle with it when my mother and brother talk at the same time I am watching television or reading as I seem unable to process both kinds of noise and it builds this tension in my head. I also feel unsettled and when unsettled, even with plenty to do, I find I cannot focus and thus get bored.

I am diagnosed as a human being.