JitakuKeibiinB wrote:
rapidroy wrote:
I used to be a chronic gamer when I was a child to my teenage years, I mean every spare minute I was PC gaming and I am sure that is why I ended up needing glasses for nearsightedness.
Sitting too close to the TV causing myopia is an "old wives' tale". Gaming did not damage your eyesight.
Actually, it is a rare phenomena that is associated with certain genes, but it can happen. However, in that case it only speeds up a process that will happen anyways and the better resolution of screen you have the less it affects you. Additionally, it doesn't distinguish between TV, word processing, or gaming because it has to do with the flickering of the screen. But in most cases, it would be correct to say that isn't a cause, only a correlation.
I don't think I described that very well...
Now take a trip with me but don't be surprised when things aren't what they seem. I've known it from the start all these good ideas will tear your brain apart. Scared, but you can follow me. I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die. - a7x