NiceCupOfTea wrote:
skibum wrote:
People who know her well and have spent time in conversation with her have a deep respect for her and tend to like her very, very much. Considering what she has been through lately people who know her are concerned and really genuinely miss her. KOR has been one of the pillar members here who has always been super supportive and super helpful on WP. It is not surprising that so many people, including myself, really feel it when she is not here.
Or is it just people fondly imagining that they knew her well? The only living creatures KoR seemed to like and relate to were non-human ones.
Either way, this KoR cult is unnerving and, dare I say it, an exemplary example of group conformity. Whaddya know, AS folks ain't so different to NTs after all.
I have thought about this response, Cup, and the more I think about it, I actually am having a hard time not thinking about it so I felt compelled to write this, but the more I think about it, the more disturbing it feels to me.
Those of us who have been here a little while or a long while feel very fondly of KOR. And I know full well as you do that Campin Cat's intentions in creating this thread were simply to encourage someone that we care about. And because of the situation that KOR was in when she left, it is good to encourage her.
But your statement in your post is really disturbing. It implies to me that someone who is an LFA who does not connect with others the same way that most people connect with each other is not capable of being loved or cared about like we care about KOR. Correct me please if I am misunderstanding you because that is a very strong and very seriously disturbing implication and I hope to be wrong about it.
The truth is that some of us do know her better than you do and we know how she connects to animals and how her connection to humans is very different from the norm. But to say that we are only imagining that we knew her well because she does not connect to people like others do, that implies that we did not know her and were only cared about an image we created about someone. That is really wrong and implies that you think that someone like her is incapable of being loved and cared for as she is. Please tell me that I am wrong in how I understand you because that is below low.
"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
Wreck It Ralph