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30 Dec 2014, 4:37 pm

I'm scared of bagpipes and kilts.
I'm sensitive to loud noises, and that includes vacuums, fire alarms, and trains. However, whenever I hear the bagpipes play on TV or something, I immediately get this flight reaction and want to get the hell out of there or something. When I was a kid it was worse, but nowadays it's more of a nuisance. Seeing a man in a skirt didn't exactly help me much, either, since I really perceived it as 100% abnormal. Plaid never really comforted me, either.

Hospitals, ambulances, etc.
Oh boy, now this is probably my number 1 phobia. I've never been admitted to a hospital as a patient on a stretcher, nor have I had the experience of riding an ambulance. But even thinking about it gives me some anxiety. I don't ever want to be in an ER, I don't ever want to ride the ambulance on a stretcher. Hospitals have always symbolized death, and I'm scared of being inside one, even as a visitor.

Also, although I'm not scared of them, I've always had a distaste for shirts with buttons on them. I have no idea why.


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30 Dec 2014, 6:37 pm

I loathe needles. I don't really have a problem with vaccinations, but the thought of having blood drawn or of having an IV line inserted terrifies me. Last year, I needed to have my wisdom teeth extracted; I had practically no worries about the procedure itself, but I was extremely anxious about the IV. Same thing with blood tests, as I become anxious days before going to the clinic. I went to have blood drawn a few months ago and I almost fainted as the nurse was inserting the needle into my arm. Luckily, I've found that lying down during these tests greatly helps to ease the anxiety and makes the procedure much easier.

greenfivenine wrote:
Falloy wrote:
Most specifically, swimming pool drains, but also other submerged pipes, gratings and other underwater obstacles.

ME TOO! I clicked on this topic to say I have exactly this phobia. I'm disproportionately excited to find a phobia-buddy! It doesn't seem to have a name though. It seems pretty irrational because (for me) it also includes switched-off swimming pool lights and I am a good swimmer, I don't think I will actually get caught in anything or sucked in, I am just terrified of them.

Same here! I've had this fear since I was very young, although it seems to be much less intense now than it was in the past. Strangely enough, some underwater fixtures and drains don't scare me at all, while others look very intimidating, especially if they are in deeper water.

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30 Dec 2014, 7:03 pm

Yes. Specifically I'm afraid of large objects in deep water. An example would be a cargo ship in the ocean, or the pilons of a jetty. I'm not afraid of water, and I'm not afraid of large objects just these two together. When I have nightmares it frequently involves a sunken ship.

I also have a gut wrenching fear of heights. But only in a certain height range. Below this range I'm okay, above it (like in a plane) I'm okay too. But I cannot be in a tall building, on the edge of the cliff etc. I cannot even watch heights on TV without suffering vertigo.

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30 Dec 2014, 7:25 pm

It seems that someone has combined several of these things into one cruel photo.
I figured it had been done so I had to look.

warning: photo of a drain with blood splatter, a spider and a syringe all together. ... spider.jpg

Honesty it didn't really bother me very much. I must be getting really jaded and numb.


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30 Dec 2014, 10:11 pm

Ah yes, there's another one. Needles.

I've always said there's nothing normal about jamming a piece of steel into your body.


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30 Dec 2014, 10:15 pm

Blind people with canes because I tripped over one's cane one time, which for some reason caused me severe mental trauma -- I had a break down of sorts that lasted three months. I got over it ok, but when I see a blind person coming toward me, I start to shake and freak out. Actually, only a little less anxious when I see sighted people with canes! One time I was walking down the street and all of a sudden all these blind people came, streaming at me canes clicking back and forth. It was like night of the living dead Cane Version. I seriously thought I was having a nightmare, but then I realized I was right near a Lighthouse for the Blind.


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31 Dec 2014, 12:44 am

Echolalia wrote:
Yes. Specifically I'm afraid of large objects in deep water. An example would be a cargo ship in the ocean, or the pilons of a jetty. I'm not afraid of water, and I'm not afraid of large objects just these two together. When I have nightmares it frequently involves a sunken ship.

I also have a gut wrenching fear of heights. But only in a certain height range. Below this range I'm okay, above it (like in a plane) I'm okay too. But I cannot be in a tall building, on the edge of the cliff etc. I cannot even watch heights on TV without suffering vertigo.

I know a woman who is afraid of large objects, megalaphobia (or something like that). It also affects her twin sister.


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31 Dec 2014, 12:55 am

Electric blankets if I stay at a motel or Hotel where there's one on the bed I pull the plug out otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep in the bed.
Lifts/Elevators I'm scared they would break down.
When I was younger I was scared of respirators that was because I saw a show when someone turned one off on someone, but when I was in Hospital I had to be on one so I know they're not as scary as I thought they were.


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01 Jan 2015, 12:12 am

I have this really weird fear that if I think of something bad, it might happen.

For example, I can't think of our house being submerged a thousand feet underwater because it might actually happen or I can't think of a big tsunami wave rolling toward our car because it might happen (a lot of these have to do with water).


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01 Jan 2015, 5:10 pm

The one phobia I have isn't all that strange---heights (acrophobia). If I have to get on a ladder to paint or clean out a gutter, I grit my teeth and do it, but I don't like it one bit.

My mom had a weird thing about escalators. She could ride one up, but not down. She'd freeze at the top. She was also afraid of water, and flying. She was never on a plane her entire life.

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01 Jan 2015, 6:48 pm

I have a fear of the unknown that pops up this time, each year. After being laid off from two jobs in the past and having to recycle for the better part of last year, I don't know what each new year is going to bring, anymore.

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01 Jan 2015, 9:50 pm

I have a severe fear of people's eyes. I can't look into people's eyes in real life situations. Conversely, when I look at photos or watch films all my attention is focussed on the characters' eyes. Naturally horror films, or violent films where something happens to a person's eyes, trips me over the edge.
Even my own eyes I'm obsessed about, often changing my glasses and changing my Optometrist. The first time I was tested for macro degeneration the object that is supposed to press against the eyes, tripped a violent reaction in me, causing vomiting and severe headaches.


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01 Jan 2015, 10:45 pm

Disparnumerophobia. Apparently most of the autistics here are afraid of even numbers.

Shedding your shell can be hard.
Diagnosed Level 1 autism, Tourettes + ADHD + OCD age 9, recovering Borderline personality disorder (age 16)

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02 Jan 2015, 12:44 am

I'm terrified of black holes and apocalypse theories. Also tornados, thunderstorms, and cars! I hate being in cars, my body can literally sense the moment when we pass the speed limit.

And I actually quite like needles. I was fascinated long before I used self-injury to emotionally regulate.

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02 Jan 2015, 12:51 am

I'm afraid of needles too like most people in these topic, but in weird ways. I'm not afraid of flu-shots or anything that goes into the upper arm, I'm totally fine with those. I'm petrified with dental needles but at least I'm laying down for those and generally have the laughing gas to calm me down a bit.

For blood work it's a different story, I get all sweaty, worked up, nervous, sick feeling and I have to lay down for that. What's weird is I feel like I'm going to pass out after I get up, and not while I'm getting the needle (which doesn't even hurt, it just feels like a small pinch


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02 Jan 2015, 9:23 am

Shelldor2015 wrote:
Yes. I have a lot of them. In no particular order;

Loud or Sudden Noises
Large Dogs until I get to know them

Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Update to list:
People behind me
Long lines
Strange People in close proximity
Most other reptiles
Water Chestnuts
Long waits when chatting online

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