Oh, I'm one obnoxious old bat when I need to be, and many times even when I don't. I do know how to act around people, and pass for NT all the time, and am very familiar with the social graces, but sometimes I just don't give a rats ass, or other times I'm in a mood, or sometimes the person I'm being a b***h to just deserves it, etc, etc, etc. It's almost always on purpose with me. If I know I'm going to come across that way but don't mean it that way, I will give a disclaimer first. Something along the lines of "I REALLY DON'T mean this how it's probably going to come out, but...."
i won't intentionally hurt a nice person's feelings or anything, but my kids are very sarcastic (got it from me) and most of my friends are as well. So I have ample opportunity, sometimes without even leaving the house, to be as obnoxious as hell without hurting anybody's feelings and to trade barbs with somebody else and we all get a good laugh out of it.
However, when I'm really mad, I can cut to the bone with words. That's not what I'd call obnoxious though. Obnoxious to me, is more along the lines of joking insults about the one you are talking to, or completely serious ones about a third party you both dislike and who isn't there at the time, one liners, just that kind of thing.
Where's the fun in just being nice all the time? I'd rather people think I was a hoot and make them laugh than have them think I light up a room and just make them smile.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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