ASPartOfMe wrote:
Another reason might be that the adult was not paying attention to the question because he or she was ruminating about their special interest or something they were anxious about.
Or because the test is dead boring. I've watched it on YouTube and I have trouble following what the therapist/shrink is saying because I take no interest in the "story" they present. Therefore the details of which doll is which and which of them have a box and which a basket are details I don't catch easily, it just seems like pointless very boring details, so I don't pay attention to them, much like filler stuff in fiction. And that's me in my 30's!
While I don't have trouble understanding that the doll that leaves thinks the marble is where she left it, I do have trouble paying sufficiently attention, and even more so when it doesn't interest me, and even more so when I find it directly boring, which I do the Sally Anne test.
If I had been tested with that one, I might have just realized that they were asking about the marble and answered as to where it was, not where the doll would think it was.
I don't know if that is down to Asperger's or if it's related to something on the ADD spectrum, but either way, it would be a problem for me in any test like that.
I wonder if aspie children would fare better on that test if it was adapted to their specific interests...