I was in the Navy. I do not have AS, but I do have some traits. The regimented parts of it were very good for me. Prior to the Navy, I tried to go to college, but failed despite my high IQ. The structure of the Navy helped me complete my bachelor's degree while enlisted. It superimposed structure that I did not have when I first tried to live on my own.
But my point in posting here is that looking back, I knew more than one person while on AD who had AS. I didn't realize it at the time because I didn't know what AS was, but now that I know what it is, it was clear they had AS. They did very well. I am sure one of them has retired by now. If you can get the right designation, certain AS traits can actually be very beneficial/useful. Attention to detail is highly prized in the military. So is the ability to adhere to strict routine. I realize not every person on the spectrum has these traits, but many do.
I do agree that the USMC might be difficult for someone who is prone to emotional overload however. I worked in a hospital setting and some of the USMC recruits ended up there with various forms of mental breakdowns due to the stress of bootcamp. I have heard, however, that bootcamp is not as stressful as it used to be, at least not in the Navy. I hear they now have something called "training time out" that a recruit can call and the CO has to back off. Sounds great, I suppose, until you realize that if you can't handle a CO screaming in your face, how will you ever handle war? Not everyone is cut out to be in the military. Bootcamp should be the time to figure out, right off the bat, who isn't. If your son can make it through bootcamp (I found going into it with the understanding that the purpose of bootcamp is to break you of your individuality and to make you part of the collective whole, made it not so bad. I understood the purpose, it made sense to the desired outcome, so I just did it), then he might find a nice place for himself. While I have never regretted not reinlisting, I have never regretted enlisting either. It was a good place for me while I was there.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage