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21 Mar 2007, 9:02 am

Unfortunately, some of the songs that play over and over in my head are ones I don't like. These are called "earworms."

Snowy Owl
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21 Mar 2007, 9:12 am

I used to watch ITVV videos of mulit cockpit cameras of operational flights. I used to imitate the callouts and altimeter countdowns when I was 17, I really felt as though I was in with the action and move my body in accordance with the aircraft movement.

"approaching decision height', 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, '10'"

"flex achieved, thrust set, 80 knots, V1, rorate, positive rate of climb, gears up, heading select" "kestrel zero to nine, what is you departure level?" "1500, /please turn right heading 180 and follow the wallasey one romeo"


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21 Mar 2007, 9:31 am

Yep, I am sometimes like this with films and songs. The more I like them, the more I will watch/listen to it.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Mar 2007, 9:40 am

My three year old daughter watches her favorite DVD's & shows over and over again, and her quotes from these shows make up the majority of her conversation. I initially thought it was extremely unhealthy, however many doctors at this point think it is actually a HEALTHY behavior for kids with autism spectrum disorders. The rationale is that they are actually LEARNING how to interact by watching these things over and over.


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21 Mar 2007, 9:47 am

I might have posted to this before but I certainly do it and have for as long as I can remember. It has become more pronounced as I had the options of cable and recording movies. I was always this way with music.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Mar 2007, 9:54 am

I did the same thing with Jurassic Park and Terminator 2. I wore out my Jurassic Park tape after watching it every day for weeks on end. In hindsight, I feel really bad for my mom since I made her watch it with me every freaking day.

On the other hand, I can tell people what is going on in Terminator 2 from another room just by listening to the sound effects. It's pretty funny to see people's reactions.

Motion tracking turrets! Run for your lives!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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21 Mar 2007, 10:46 am

I will watch a movie over and over until on day I realize I hadn't seen it for a while and miss it and wonder when I stopped watching it. At that point I've bought another movie to wear out. Funny thing is, I can't do that with music CD's. I love my radio. CD's are boring.



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23 Mar 2007, 10:12 pm

I repeat songs and is somewhat comforting...


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23 Mar 2007, 10:43 pm

I do this with practically everything...definately with music. I find myself usually listening to the same set of songs, if not a single song over and over again. I have one song on my Ipod I've been practically listening to non-stop for the past half year and it's got at least six times the play count as most of my other songs :?

Movies I don't do this so much with...but I often find myself hooked on the same games for long periods of time. That's why I only play a select few games...instead of rushing through them and moving onto the next, I usually enjoy playing through them and discovering everything about it, or if the game's online I play online for a while before I get over it.


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24 Mar 2007, 7:55 am

I always pissed my parents off by repeating my favourite songs so much.
But i did that because i didn't like alot of songs.
I had to be formilar with a song and listen to it a few times to start liking it.


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24 Mar 2007, 9:19 am

I just watched Four Minutes again last night with the enhanced trivia track feature. I plan to reread the Perfect Mile and Roger Bannister's autobiography, The Four Minute Mile.

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24 Mar 2007, 9:31 am

I still do this with music and books, my favorite band atm is muse so I've got their music stuck on autorepeat. Tho I often just keep replaying the same song (or just the start of it) until I get distracted by something else (eg something shiny :P) and forget to repeat and move onto the next song. I also reread books alot, halfway though one of the Dune books atm. I used to do this with movies, when I was a kid it was Alladin and now its Old Boy and Donnie Darko. The only thing that knocks me out of these loops is anime because there is just sooo much of it left to watch.

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24 Mar 2007, 2:48 pm

crazedchef wrote:

Same here. Get a song stuck in head all of the time, I am whistling one right now: I'm BAAAD, I'm NATIONWIIIDEEEE by ZZ TOP.

Been in my head for hours and I do not know why, but it just STAYS THERE.s

I watched Flash Gorden (the one with the soundtrack by Queen) 50 times, and I also went to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" a couple of hundred times.

Damn there goes "Let's Do the TIME WARP AGAAAAIIIN! It's just ajump to the left,dahdodododododod and a step to the riiiight, put your hands on your hip, and bring your kneee's in tiiiight, and its a pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaaaane, LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAAIN!! LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAAAAAAAIN!"

Damn this song is now in there with ZZ.


Oh, NO! Now you've got the Time Warp song playing in my head again! Aaaarrgh! :lol:

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Apr 2008, 8:29 pm

yup, i do it with books, movies, music.

don't ask how many time's i've listined to the Wicked soundtrack since September.

after the 7th harry potter book came out, i spent two months reading through all the books in order every spare minute of every day, often staying up til 3,4,5 am to do so.

i will get hooked on a movie and watch it non-stop until another takes it's place. i know it's normal for young children to do this, but not 34 year olds. and, i guess, my kids provide me the perfect excuse. i can pretend to be annoyed by their repeat watchings, but i'm really not.

(btw: i'm just randomly picking pages of posts to read so that's why i'm bumping up old posts.)


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10 Apr 2008, 10:48 pm

I annoy my family so much by playing the same songs over and over again. I've been playing Skillets album Comatose all night long. Listening to certain songs makes me feel. And I dont know how to express the rest of that sentence. I also repeat movies over and over again to find things in them I didnt notice before, or to just re-experience some emotion being displayed on screen.

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Snowy Owl
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10 Apr 2008, 10:50 pm

Not only do I repeat the same song I like, but the same PART of a song I like. I rewind over, and over, and over, and over. Of course I only do this by myself - I realize it would drive others crazy.