The blanket stim...OK, I am kind of embarrassed to admit this. When I was very little (as little as I can remember being) I has a blanket, and I called it my "blankie-lee, or "Lee" for short, and I would scream if I were without it, my mom could not take me to day care without it, she had to go back for it. The blanket had a ribbon type binding on it, the wide, soft sort.
What I do is to either feel the edge of the blanket between my fingers and rub it against my lips, or suck my lower lip while feeling the edge of the blanket. Occasionally I only feel the edging. This makes me feel extremely secure and safe, and my mind calms down a lot, I forget what's going on around me and I feel OK. Basically, I totally zone out. I cannot sleep without this blanket, if I wash it, I have to get it all done and dried before the nighttime. When I go on a trip of any stay where it will be overnight, the blanket has to come too, or it will take me forever to go to sleep and I won't feel safe.
My mom said that as a baby I only rubbed the edging against my cheek. The first blanket was 'disappeared' by my grandma when I was about 5, maybe, and that was a major crisis....she had to replace it. The second one lasted me until my late teens, and then the edging was almsot absent, all worn away. My mom gave me another one, which wasn't as good but I managed to break it in. I still have that one, and it's getting a bit worn. I am afraid that maybe they don't make that sort of edging anymore!! :anxiety:
I have tried a time or two to break myself of the blanket, and I just can't. It is the first place I go to when I'm stressed or sad or tired.
Some stims let my mind zone out and others do not but just calm me down or let off excess anxiety. Even though your son is very bright, he may still find the paperwork intimidating or daunting. My dad and I had a LOT of homework battles. I would say no flapping while doing homework, tapping feet or fingers or pen, OK, but flap *after* homework is done, as a sort of reward. This has worked for at least one autie that I've heard of.