dianthus wrote:
olympiadis wrote:
Do you feel that it sets off an uncontrollable, or hard to control, flood of intense emotion from your subconscious?
Yes. And not always at the time it happens, sometimes only when I think about it and remember it later.
The subconscious is where those memes exist that try to make you feel bad or experience chemical punishment, and they are triggered by your subconscious perceptions of what other people do and say.
Your conscious thought sees what those people do/say for what it is, which is just harmless garbage. Words cannot define you or harm you. But, they can trigger memetic algorithms in your subconscious that can cause you great discomfort.
That makes perfect sense.
I also experience this process and it's the source of several conditions like depression, anxiety, and dissociation/detachment.
I'm not comfortable with my subconscious. I don't trust it. It seems out of control and causes me pain. The feelings and/or intuitions that come from my subconscious are often illogical, incorrect, or misleading.
Over the years I've learned to (been conditioned to) heavily filter everything that comes from my subconscious. The filters do a combination of things that create separations between conscious thought and the real time information coming from the subconscious. My conscious thought just does not want to deal with that garbage as it is produced in real time. Unfortunately sometimes the emotion is so strong or intense, like fear, that it gets past the filters and causes great discomfort like anxiety.
It's a bit like Vulcans on Star Trek experiencing control problems.
Generally, what my subconscious does seems like quantum probability computations. Conversely, I can clearly see my conscious thought in operation and it uses learned binary logic, thus giving more concrete results in binary form, - either this or that, yes or no. I trust my conscious thought much more. Also, my conscious thought doesn't directly punish me, though conscious thoughts can trigger my subconscious to do it by triggering emotions.
I've heard this described as right brain vs left brain. Apparently there's supposed to be some sort of cooperative system of checks and balances, but mine does not seem very balanced.
Back on topic, I think that abusive triggering and/or manipulation of the subconscious by others leads to the conditioning that results in dissociation/detachment, - basically PTSD because it is mentally traumatic.