The Origins of Asperger's Syndrome - A theory
I am saying that an environmental change in the life of the parents that caused them fear, anxiety, and stress, brought (chemical) changes in their bodies.
As an EXAMPLE I talked how the body produces adrenaline to cope with fear. It is very possible that OTHER chemicals are produced as well that we do not know how they affect the molecular structure of the body or that other changes occure based on yet unknown factors.
A Japanese has researched and recorded MOLECULAR structure changes in water when the water was placed under stressful conditions like anger. Verbal expression of anger changed the molecular structure of the WATER.
Please check the below URL if you want proof: ... _emoto.htm
Human body and human body cells are also made of water, so I hypothesize that the molecular structure of human cells can change when there is anger, fear, anxiety in the environment where the parents live(d). DNA is the information contained in human cells. If the cells of the parents are altered it is possible that the DNA is also affected.
The egg and sperm carry the DNA of the parents forth to their children. The altered DNA can cause children to be born with Asperger's syndrome. This was my train of thought when I formed the theory.
Autism is a reality that seems to the neurotypicals like a bad dream, while it is their reality that is the true nightmare...
Last edited by Star on 31 Mar 2007, 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
The thing with Adrenaline though is that we produce it all the time for different reasons, not just fear or anxiety. One example is physical activity. Again, I have never heard of a correlation made between children with Autism and parents who where athletes or worked out a lot.
There has been such a correlation with individuals who are very math inclined, computer programers, even some doctors! The Silicon vally has a disproportionately high number of Aspies and Autistics. Why? For years they searched for an environmental problem in the area, they came up empty handed.
What they did have though, was a lot of parents, strong in science and math, stereotypical low social skills. They may not have been full blown ASD's, but they where at least NT's with Autistic traits! (I think a lot of undiagnosed aspies too).
This was the basis I believe, for looking for a genetic link with autism. Dna studies are now confirming it.
what caused the mutation? I think that is anyones gues at this time...
Dr. Emoto is on to something.
One of the oldest Mayan ceremonies is water blessing. Women would bring their water jars, Ulla, and the water would be blessed by a person of spirit. The water was then used for drinking and cooking. Water took and held the spirit power.
It drove the later Catholics nuts as women brought water to church. Then judging by results, would only bring water when some said mass, but not others. Good water made their familes happy, other water carried evil. It was a test the priests flunked. Illegal water blessing were held out of town.
The Catholics finally gave up, their religion was accpted, but not them, the other problem was the churches were the wrong color. Mayan painted alters are a blaze of color, in a particular mix. As rural churches were abandoned through Guatamala, the locals painted them, tuned them as it were, inside and out, and the have the same mix of the same colors used on the temples of old. Of which the people have no knowledge.
There are no priests now, the women bring jars of water, bundles of plants, and lay them before the alter, then they all pray, then take the water and plants home. God energy is stored in water, blessed plants have greater healing power.
They do not know of the old times, or what the old cities looked like. I studied Anthropology and Mayan history. My first visit to Centeral America went well, the second I brought all of the National Geographics about the region, and a few books on Mayan Art and Culture. They had never known any of it, it was like me and WP, but on a large scale, artists, carvers, potters, gathered, and they were not speaking Spanish.
They asked if I was going to take the books home, I said no, culture is a gift from your ancestors to you. I had broken through the wall that keeps outsiders out, I was welcome in the Indio world, great people. A revival of the arts was spreading, I knew of other books, said I could find lots, and we were having a great time till the Army picked me up, took me to the airport, and said if I ever came back I would be buried there.
It seems I had broken the big unspoken rule, do not let the masses learn of their past. The Spanish hold is weak, they are only a few percent, and any Native Revival is feared. Water blessings are broken up by the police. I am the wrong kind of Missionary.
If you ever travel the area, read the old National Geographics, Ebay is great, it helps understand what you see. No Library there has anything on the culture, including the American Library, and they will never. Go see the artists and crafts people in the market. Make gifts of books with pictures of their ancestors art, the cities of old. Do not let the Police or Army see. All of the governments only represent American interests.
The language, art, culture is alive and well, self rule will come, then whole cities will be painted in the brightest reds, greens, yellows, blues, and water blessing will be open and public again.

Joined: 17 Mar 2007
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Location: the Witness Protection Program
I think this is very close to superstition. There is no scientific evidence to suggest it. When we lived as hunters/gatherers, everyone experienced fight/flight on a frequent basis. Were they all autistic? I don't think so.
If the topic is small, why talk about it?
But this theory can be tested if DNA is taken from tribes that still live in the Amazon region, or Africa and compared to the DNA of diagnosed Aspies in the Western world I am SURE that there will be genetic similarities.
This why, I believe, primite tribes seem to get along much better than the civilized world.
As someone else said here is WP in another forum discussion:
"Anyone notice how little real conflict goes on here, considering there are 10,000 members? Smaller boards see a lot more conflict and real, serious turf wars because of NT conversation rules. People seem to say what they mean and there aren't too many war of words, or bullying going on."
This isn't a theory, this is a hypothesis. A theory is when you have made a hypothesis and have tested it, and are able to say "Due to the evidence of my findings, I posit that this is so"
I think the core of this theory - that AS is naturally evolved & is beneficial to survival - is dead on - the natural world is full of solitary animals that are good at surviving. The social wolf was exterminated over most of N. America. The more solitary coyote, in the face of the same attempt at extermination, expanded its range everywhere. Foxes are the most solitary & have never been in danger.
I'm not sure about how it all gets started - maybe 50 yrs from now there will be sophisticated means of studying DNA history, but what they are doing now is very crude. The only place i would differ is that i think aspie people - or rather all people on the shyness spectrum - preceded social or NT people. I think 'society' is a late development in human evolution - that the NTs evolved from us & not the other way around
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