Fitting in has always been a difficult problem for me. I never really fit in with any group of neurotypical groups, and I have only had marginal success with other Aspies.
I spend most of my time alone, and I do not go to very many social gatherings. When I am with neurotypicals, I always feel different & awkward, and I have never been good at making small talk with people. I just feel like I am some kind of "outsider", and it is very difficult for me to even approach people or communicate with them. When I am in a group or at a party, I just get really shy & not participate in conversations very much; I just stay back & not say anything. The only time I am ever comfortable at parties or gatherings with neurotypicals is when I am with my Dad or someone I am especially comfortable with who can help me approach people & engage with them. I even have this problem with people I have things in common with.
When I am with other Aspies, things are somewhat easier for me. I have been in groups of people with Asperger's syndrome, at least I feel more comfortable knowing that the people I am with have similar issues. If I have something in common with them, or if they are talking about something I am interested in or I am knowledgeable about, then it is easier for me to fit in. If I am not interested in what they are talking about, then I do not really fit in, and it is just as awkward for me as if I am with a bunch of neurotypicals.